Legends say
that hummingbirds float free of time,
carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration.
The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us
that life is rich, beauty is everywhere,
Every personal connection has meaning and
Laughter is life’s sweetest creation.
– from “The LIbrary Letter,” June 2014, thanks to Jayne Shontell
Perhaps a few words from my hummingbird will speak to each of us as we welcome life, beauty, laughter and connectedness with every living being. It sustains me and brings continuous gratitude.
VACATION WITH DAVID’S FAMILY in Ashfield, MA – May 24-June 1
Karen took me to the airport and David drove down to Hartford to get me.
The Setting: Post and beam house, sugar house, barn, pond, and woods (above).

Time to see barn renovations – 2 horse stalls and goat stall (vacant now) and to give me the opportunity to brush Winnie.
Surprised to find a hummingbird on floor of lunch shop in Northampton!

The Ashfield Memorial Day program on Monday featured the town band, and the local high school band (Tamara’s son Torsten played and marched), and
the Brownies (Naomi in center) read two poems and
marched along with the veterans.

Here are Lily (11) and Naomi (9) in fun poses. Naomi enjoys posing with my wig and Tamara’s glasses.

Wonderful week although I could have used more sun and warmth. David had a fire in the wood stove three nights! I attended several of the kids’ baseball/softball games, attended a poetry reading by Marilyn Nelson (Conn. Poet Laureate) which was memorable, and the whole family went to the Town Hall Saturday night for the play “You Can’t Take it With You” – a sheer delight. (Be sure to click on photos for larger size.)
The homecoming was indicative of chemo brain. I didn’t write down the change of gate (nor did the airline personnel) and the wheelchair attendant took me to the wrong gate. My inattentiveness caused me to miss the plane by about 5 minutes. So another 2+ hour wait for the next plane. I had chosen to get up at 6 in order to get that plane (not really my choice!) and then missed it! Normally I would have sought more information when it got that close to boarding time. Not “with it,” and so it goes. As Paul used to say, “You need a keeper!” More and more so, it seems!! Thankfully Karen and I were in touch and she was not inconvenienced by the delay.
Both David and Karen expressed concern about my having whole brain radiation (WBR) prior to my Danny Grad Reunion since the information gleaned by internet was pretty grim. As a result Karen and I met with Dr. Tonnesen yesterday morning prior to my regular appointment and reviewed the issues pursuant to quality of life. He told us that WBR will not affect my cognitive ability but will cause physical and mental fatigue. It will make it harder to want to do things; i.e. accomplishments will require motivation. Since we don’t know how quickly these tumors will progress, he recommended not waiting three weeks to begin. However, he was perfectly fine with whatever we decided. I was of the opinion that getting on with it made sense since we are only buying time anyway. I’ve already got chemo brain so I understand some of the difficulties I will experience. I’m counting on my dear friends to be tolerant and patient with me in whatever condition I find myself… which I’m sure they will.
Yesterday I had another mask made…. remember that mesh mask from last summer’s stereoscopic radiation? Well this one is only one piece, but still plastered on your face while hot and mashed into all the grooves. I had a crossword puzzle image on my cheeks when done! They have arranged it for me to begin treatment on Thursday, June 5, and the 10 days will be completed on the 18th, the day before Kate’s graduation at Constitution Hall. Then the D.G. reunion begins the following Tuesday, June 24-27.
In the meantime I’d like to go to the Summit house since it’s been so long since there, but I have some finishing touches to put on S.W. and need to get that done while mind isn’t falling asleep too much of the time. I’ve begun a regimen of walking with my friend Gladys each morning (or as much as I can) in order to keep my energy level pumped a bit. Don’t want to become too lethargic and I figure that should help. I’ve been out of shape quite a bit since last pickleball. Difficult to do stairs, quads and knees hurt when walking, and feet are a pain, literally. Other than that, I’m doing well, just not as “up” as I was a few months ago. My treatments are late afternoons around 4:30 or 5:00 most days and a few at 3:00 toward the end. Not fun during rush hour but the daytime will be free and that is nice. I can drive myself which is good to know. It’s only 30 seconds on each side of noggin, so no whammy. 🙂
I’ll keep you posted with brief reports….