Two p.m. it is

Service will indeed be at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 6 at Providence Presbyterian Church, 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, Virginia 22031.
If you would like to make a contribution in memory of my mother, consider Shalem Institute, another organization of peace or spiritual life, or a group of your choosing.
Some people have asked if they could send their condolences by mail to us, which would be very kind – although hardly necessary.  But if so, Karen’s address is

Karen Grumbles
1816 N Kenmore St
Arlington VA 22207

2 thoughts on “Two p.m. it is

  1. Tom Davidson

    Karen and David,
    Thank you so much for all of your “posts”. The only thing that might keep us from attending the memorial service would be the birth of a great-grandson, due September 7th.
    Tom & Libby

  2. ann

    Thank you for keeping me in touch all these months. I am very saD THAT aNNE HAD SUCH A HARD TIME AT THE END OF HER LIFE BUT SHE CERTAINLY FOUGHT HARD TO DEAL WITH HER ILLNESS with the great spirit she always had.
    Of course I cannot come to the Memorial Service being a very long way away over the sea. She was so thrilled to come to England as a young student and those are the memories I will always have of her.
    I wish you both well for the future and wonder if you will keep the Summit House where my husband and I spent a few days with your parents some years ago.
    Sincerely Ann Kidd
    ps. If you ever come to London I have spare rooms and would be delighted to see you.

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