Hummingbird has flown away

Ann Kulp died at 2:30 this afternoon. We will post information about her memorial service as soon as we can. It will be held at Providence Presbyterian Church.
Thank you all for your care and support.
Karen and David

32 thoughts on “Hummingbird has flown away

  1. Maureen

    I am so very sorry for your deep loss. Ann’s suffering is over but her legacy will live on and on.
    May The Holy One comfort you and give you peace.
    Maureen Jenkins

  2. Barbara Hawkins

    May she rest in peace. I only wish we had had an opportunity to know her sooner and longer! If we can help you here at GS, let us know. Barbara Hawkins, the neighbor across the hall.

  3. Anne Meddis

    I was thinking of Ann’s bright smile all morning today. What a great spirit. Thank you for sharing Ann’s journey through these last months. My family’s thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  4. Len Bjorkman

    Thanks unending for her life, which will never end!
    God we with you all in your planning.

  5. Verleah Kosloske

    May she rest in peace and rise in glory. She will be greatly missed by our Shalem Circle and so many others.

  6. anne

    she’s really been on my mind all day today. i’m glad to know that her struggle is over and her peace that passes all understanding has begun. living or dead, she’s a keeper!
    i hope that you and the rest of the family can now rest in deep thankfulness for her life.

  7. Tina Essick

    It is with sadness I receive the news, but rejoice in God’s gift and promise to us of eternal life. My sympathies to David and Karen and your families.

  8. Shubhda

    I was thinking about Ann earlier today as I was watering my plants, especially the Salvia since it has attracted many hummingbirds all summer long. I am glad that you got to spend time with your mom and that she is pain-free now as her spirit soars across the universe.

  9. Cindy

    Thank you Karen and David for your dear messages. You have made us all hope for such a gift of love from our families!
    Happy sailing to your mom. Her spirit is free. What a woman.

  10. Liz Burndred

    Dear Karen and David
    It was with great sorrow that we read your message just now…. but knowing now that Ann is no longer in pain …
    As we join with all her friends in mourning her passing we at the same time marvel at her life , rejoice in her amazing life and feel so privileged to have been so affected by knowing her.
    With prayers for strength for you both
    and love from
    Liz and David

  11. Jayne Shontell

    Dear David, Karen, family & friends —
    I have been reading A Year With Rumi. Here is the poem for August 25, today.
    “On the day I die,
    when I am being carried away toward the grave,
    don’t weep. Don’t say, ‘He’s gone. He’s gone.’
    Death has nothing to do with going away.
    The sun sets and the moon sets,
    but they’re not gone.
    Death is a coming together.
    The tomb looks like a prison,
    but it’s really release into union.
    The human seed goes down into the ground
    like a bucket into the well where Joseph is.
    It grows and comes up
    full of some unimagined beauty.
    Your mouth closes here
    and immediately opens
    with a shout of joy there.”
    Can you hear Ann’s shout of joy? Wishing you peace.

  12. Carol Hovis

    Dear Karen and David,
    I sense your mom’s energy and spirit now more than ever. Your parents’ legacy is you two and your children, not to mention all of your mom’s many other gifts to the world.
    Thank you for sharing your mom with us for these many years.
    With love and deep peace to you,

  13. Elena

    Our family is so very sorry for the loss of your mother. She will be remembered by us always for her wonderful smile, generous spirit and tremendous laugh. We are praying for you all and will be keeping our eyes open for hummingbirds while we look for butterflies.
    Much love,
    Elena and David Shacochis and family

  14. Rachel

    Knowing your mom, she is already organizing stuff in Heaven; but we will all miss her so much. I hope the upcoming days are as smooth as possible for you and thank you so much for all your posts and care.

  15. Grace

    I am sure Ann’s spirit is peaceful and free. I cherished her friendship and she will always keep her in my heart. An amazing woman. My deepest sympathies to all of her family.

  16. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    I’m sure you knew intimately her humanity, but I just want to acknowledge to you that you had an amazing mother. She will be missed.
    May your sweet memories of her and the love of family and friends sustain you during your time of grieving.
    Peace be with you,

  17. Martha Stringer

    She was a remarkable woman. I am privileged to have been her friend.
    You and Karen have been through so much these past years, David. I hope you can rest and find peace now, knowing that her suffering is over at last.
    Blessings and love to you both,

  18. Patricia Roberts

    My prayers are with you. Ann has been and continues to be my inspiration for the fullness of life all the way. I willbe present in spirit at her memorial. I live in Arequipa, Peru.

  19. Mary Helen and Bob Harris

    We were both saddened and relieved to get the news. Your mother was so full of life, even as she faced the inevitable end. We are glad that for her the suffering is over and that she has moved on to the next adventure that God has for her.
    She opened many doors for people to deepen their sense of the presence of the Spirit. Now she has walked through a new door. She now sees even as she has been seen by our loving God.
    God’s deepest hope and shalom be with you.

  20. Leslie

    May peace be with you, Karen and David, and with your families. May your mom enjoy her newfound freedom, as we hold our memories of her and miss her earthly presence.
    Holding you all close in love as I’m full of gratitude for your lives and the lives of your parents.

  21. lisa richey

    Karen, David, your family, and all who love Ann – i hold you in my heart as you celebrate and miss the Ann we all call ‘our’s’.
    with so much love,

  22. Lynn O'Connor

    Relieved for blessed Ann. She lived the good life, fought the hard battles, and will undoubtedly rest in the peace and light she has longed for and was created for. God bless you very exceptionally loving children, Karen and David.
    Lynn O’Connor

  23. Betty Brown Young

    I will always remember her courageous fight! Love to you both, and all the family.
    Betty Brown Young

  24. Sprookie

    I feel so privileged to know and love this amazing woman. She is free from pain and is in God’s hands. Thank you, David and Karen, for all the love and care you gave her and for keeping us Danny Grads posted. My sincerest sympathy are with you and your families.

  25. david kepley

    Oh my! My heart is filled with sadness for you! Ann was such a soulful presence to so many of us. She will remain with us in our hearts!

  26. Susan G ferry

    I am saddened to hear the news and you have my sympathy.
    Aunt Ann is at peace, amen and one lucky lady to be experiencing Heaven!
    May you Karen and David have renewed strength in the days ahead in planning and preparing.
    Thank you for everything you have done and sharing.

  27. Rebecca Aizupitis

    The fight is over and your wonderful mother is the victor.
    You have been so good to her and a deep source of joy and comfort.

  28. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

    Dear Ann,
    Thank you for everything you gave us. Thank you for your beaming smile and searching spirit, your courage and curiosity, your faithfulness, and your capacity for friendship. Bless you on your journey Home. You are safe in God’s heart. Pray for us as we pray for you.

  29. Regina Roman

    Dearest Karen, David and beloved family,
    My deep sympathy on the passing of your mother and our friend, precious Ann. Her remarkable spirit and gracious ways continue to live on. The heavens are richer with one bright shining star and we, by radiant memories of Ann.
    Feel embraced with unending love,

  30. Enten and Mary Eller

    We are so sorry to hear this news. Our hearts are heavy and we want you to know that our love and prayers are with you. Your mother’s grace and dignity have been an example of a deeply spiritual life. Our memories are rich with her love and warmth given freely to us.

  31. Linda Pierce Knutson

    Dear Karen and David,
    What an inspiration your mother has been to me personally these many years.
    May you feel God’s loving embrace as you surrender your Mom into God’s loving arms for the next stage of her life. With love and thanksgiving, Linda

  32. Heather

    Dear David, Karen, and family –
    We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
    We were extremely blessed to have known Ann these past 20+ years as a part of our family and we continue to be blessed to count you all as family.
    Much love,
    Heather, Mark, Jake, and Sofia Arbeen

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