
Karen and I saw the oncologist last Thursday and learned that my left lung sounds the same as it has in the past. No change. No swelling in left leg so was to get another doppler ultrasound the next day.
We inquired as to possible “next steps.” I’ve had three different kinds of chemotherapy, and will finish ten days of whole brain radiation on Wednesday. My calendar is full till June 28… Danny Grad Reunion next week. Meeting with Dr. Heyer set for the following Tuesday, July 1.
Options for future:
–  Nothing for a while
–  Follow up with another MRI
–  Treat back with radiation for low back pain, if worse.
–  Another chemo. Maybe Tarciva (I didn’t qualify for it but there is some evidence that others still benefit from it), or a drug called Gemzar.
–  When traveling, be sure to take along my Vicodin, should I have pain.
So what have I been experiencing since I began radiation? The predicted fatigue has indeed occurred. I have gotten progressively weaker and slower. I’ve had a couple headaches and difficulty with quads when beginning to walk. I’ve needed to ‘give in’ and take to the lazyboy more than before. I have lost the appetite that I had before, probably because I’m off chemo which means I’m off Decadron which, as a steroid, pumps up appetite. But I’m forcing myself to eat and take daily walks, as advised.
Piles of odds and ends, mostly paper, have accumulated beyond my tolerance since I have forced myself to work on the Music section of the Compendium (S.W.). I see the end in sight and have been typing the blurbs on the computer in order to make it easier for compilation when the end is finally here. 🙂
Tomorrow I see Dr. Tonnesen, the radiation oncologist, who will discuss the level and frequency of my spinal pain and add his recommendation. My guess is that if the pain continues or gets worse I’ll be back on radiation in the beginning of July. Waking up with lower spinal pain is no fun, but it has usually gone away.  Only it’s not been going away this past week so I’ve been taking Tylenol. I have plenty of stronger narcotics to fall back on, a virtual apothecary! Six of them, but I’ll not name them lest I become the object of a dope inquisition here at Greenspring! I dutifully fill the various prescriptions but – fortunately – haven’t had the kind of pain requiring them. Yes, I am MOST grateful and hope it stays that way!
Dr. Heyer called last Friday to report that my blood clot had improved considerably but was not totally gone. Continue with full-dose aspirin which I’ve always taken, and he’ll see me in a few weeks.
My hair has not come out in bunches as predicted, but more has been accumulating in comb so that it is nearly all gone. This week and next are supposed to be the falling out period. I just hope that my wig will stay on – I may need some velcro!
IMG_1477I shed my wig for a safari type hat when walking outside, due to the heat buildup inside wig. Lucky to find it among old hats; REI and lightweight cotton/poly. I’m sharing this pic of my appearance “on Safari around Greenspring!”
G’night for now.

7 thoughts on “Possibilities

  1. anne

    with the heat and air quality this week it might serve you well to take an ‘inside walk’ at greenspring where the ac can keep you calm, cool, and collected. you have been a wonder woman throughout this ordeal! what a role model for all of us.

  2. Betty Brown Young

    Hi Ann,
    Thank you for keeping your friends informed about your medical situation.
    We are certainly getting an education about how to deal with cancer. You are also teaching us how to cope and accept what we cannot change, and this is such an inspiration. I think the way you are dealing with this is a wonderful example of grace under fire. You are a blessing!
    I hope you will be able to keep the pain under control. Thanks, Ann. Let’s stay in touch.
    With much love and admiration,

  3. Billie Sutter

    Love the new look – much better for safari:) I envy your spunk and drive! There are times I just want to curl up and pull up the covers, but you make me move on!
    Prayer for you and all your docs…and you amazing loving daughter!

  4. Maureen

    Very cute hat, Ann! I can imagine that more than a few folks are envious! Love, Maureen Jenkins

  5. Kay Kulp

    Aunt Ann
    You are such an inspiration to so many! We really appreciate keeping updated on how you are doing, and also on your family. You look great! Really! We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Love, from all of the Kulps here on the farm

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