Report from Oncologist

Just a quickie to say that I had chemo last Tuesday and then had an appointment with the oncologist on Thursday for clarification of the whole body bone scan I had had earlier. I was feeling discouraged after seeing my vertebra all lit up, and he wanted to reassure me. I had had next to no sleep for two nights (a third was about to happen as well since with chemo I take Decadron, a steroid and anti-emetic, and get hyped up most of the night) and so these are Karen’s notes. Call it chemo brain, being 80, and exhaustion. My mind needed help. So here is her report:
Increased activity can indicate both getting better or worse. Therefore the scan is inconclusive. With little or no pain, it should be encouraging. We have an option of taking a break from the chemo; decided not to just yet. Activity in the bladder and kidneys is a normal and hoped for thing! Blood counts are settling down. Only mild, slightly anemic now.  An alternative to current chemo treatments are other chemos. Also, trials. The University of Michigan -through the company Paradigm – is doing a free molecular testing, looking for targets other than the two that were tested last spring (there are 40 different mutations). Dr. Heyer sent them a lung biopsy sample and will let us know if there are any useful results. It could lead to identifying more mutations responsive to lung cancer…and thus to new treatments down the pike. A CT scan will be scheduled after 2 more chemo treatments (another 6 weeks).    Thanks, Karen!
Fridays begin the day when I tend to notice side effects from the chemo. Unfortunately I have had lower spine pain for the past three days with not much relief through Tylenol as previously. It finally subsided around dinner time tonight and I’m hoping that it was only a side effect and not a new symptom – and that it ceases!! Eyes continue to water and blur my vision, but I tolerate that much better.
On a seasonal note, I hope that some of you heard the boys’ choir from South London, “Libera,” that was on PBS this past week. I have three of their CDs from way back and was thrilled to see them on TV!  Beautiful voices and performance in Ireland. Click HERE to hear a 4 minute clip from their Christmas program. Then go to their home site for more.

8 thoughts on “Report from Oncologist

  1. Nancy Davis

    Thanks Ann and Karen….yes, caught the PBS program…great!! Also knew that activity at the site can mean the killing of cancer cell…..let’s hope this is the case…I wouldn’t be surprised….it’s hard to catch a hummingbird….Love ya, Nancy

  2. Betty Brown Young

    Dear Ann,
    It is so special of you to let us share your journey, as it must take a lot of energy and determination on your part. And it is good that you have Karen to walk the road with you! You certainly are being informed about the process, and it is good that you understand all of the medical explanations.
    I pray that you will be free of pain, especially during the Christmas season,and that the treatments will do the job of getting you well.
    You have my love and utmost admiration.

  3. Jan Mullinix

    Hope your pain has eased since your latest post. Continuing to keep u in prayer… May you have a blessed Christmas w/family ‘n friends and that your energy level will soar… <3

  4. Maureen Jenkins

    HI, Ann ~ I hope that by now you are getting some sleep and feeling more comfortable. And, THANK YOU for the clip of the Libera boys choir. I had seen them on PBS and was delighted by their beautiful voices. What a gift these young people have! Stay warm during these ice and snow storms!!! Love from Maureen

  5. Judy Molseed

    Glad things seem to be moving along fairly well. God never gives us a situation we can’t handle. He knows you well, you have done beautifully through it all. I hadn’t heard the Libera Boys Choir last week but thoroughly enjoyed the link you sent. Thank you.

  6. Jayne Shontell

    Ann — I am sorry that this wasn’t the news you were hoping to receive. You are such a gift to all of us. May you find the peace that surpasses all understanding. Blessings. Jayne

  7. Ann Kidd

    I sent you an e mail rather than a comment so do check it out.
    Are you able to spend Christmas up at your country house? I hope so and that you have at least some of your family around you.
    For me it will be a fairly quiet time this year. I have not even bothered to put up any decorations. i shall spend the two days with Sandy and his family. Those grandchildren are both at University now and more interested in their own lives and friends – which is as it should be.
    The little grandson is off to Scotland with his parents for a big family get together in their hillside home.
    Hope you are getting along OK. Love Ann

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