Timeline History

11/18/98    Surgery for stage 1 lung cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital. No further treatment.  Declared cured in 2003.

2013    Dealing with a new site of origin.
2/17     FIrst sensed a slight shortness of breath
2/22     Saw pulmonologist. X-ray, prednisone, inhalers & request for CT scan
2/23     CT scan
2/25     Possibly pneumonia; put on antibiotic
3/8       Saw my pulmonologist. Showed scan on computer – identified small nodule in lung; requested biopsy of lung
3/13     Lung biopsy
3/15     Diagnosis: lung cancer; requested a PET scan
3/21     PET scan
3/22     News of likely metastasis to spine L4; requested biopsy to be sure
3/26     Biopsy of spine
3/28     Diagnosis: Metastatic lung cancer. Had to cancel appt. w/ surgeon as surgery is not done if metastasis; cancer is loose in the body
4/3       Visit to oncologist #1 with Karen
4/4       Visit to oncologist #2  with Karen; Selected this one
– – –      Possibility of biopsy stain showing a positive match for a DNA mutation; would offer hope for future and would be a pill a day.  Waiting game of up to two weeks
– – –      Order for CT scan of brain
4/6       CT scan of brain for cancer metastasis
4/10     A positive report; no metastasis in brain!
4/11     Injection of Xgeva, a monthly shot for bone protection and strengthening
4/12     Disappointing news; no match – tested negative.  Chemo is next.
4/18     Next appointment with oncologist to plan treatment.
5/2       Personal instruction regarding chemo; lab work/ B12 injection (every 9 weeks)
5/2       MediPort surgery
5/7       First chemotherapy session; Xgeva injection
5/8       Pulmonology visit; lung function down; ticklish cough
5/9       CT Scan of lung to check pleural effusion/any other changes
5/14     Met with oncologist to check reaction to chemo; satisfactory
5/21     Blood drawn to check levels
5/22     Pleurodesis surgery
5/24     Discharged from hospital in p.m.
5/28     Chemo #2
5/29     Visit with pulmonologist; discussed hemidiaphragm
5/31     Given prescription for medicine to relieve cough; magic!
6/6       Injection of Xgeva and check for magnesium
6/12     Met with pulmonologist; spirometry improved; lung pain
6/18     Met with surgeon; Chemo #3; surgeon’s report from today’s x-ray
6/28     CT Scan scheduled to see if chemotherapy has helped
7/2       Meet with oncologist to get information from CT scan
7/5       Met with Dr. Tonneson, radiation oncologist
7/9       Chemo #4; Xgeva injection
7/15     Met with neurosurgeon, member of radiation team
7/16     MRI of the brain, definitive; making of mask for radiation
7/17     CT scan of the brain using mask
7/22     Annual appointment with ophthalmologist; all fine
7/23     Met with Dr. Heyer, oncologist – good report; targeted radiation
7/25     Follow-up appointment with pulmonologist – good report
8/1       Oncology check-up on drooping eyelids; not radiation side effect, most likely allergic reaction.  Advised to use Visine A.


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