5 thoughts on “Video of Making the Mask

  1. lynn oconnor

    Wow! What a procedure, Ann! I will be thinking of you every day this week and asking God to keep you calm and meditative throughout the process.

  2. Billie Sutter

    You’re an amazing lady! I am impressed that you are willing to let the ‘medieval torture’ be accomplished:) Prayers for you as all this unfolds.
    Much love from us both…

  3. Monica Maxon

    Oh, my gosh! That’s all I can think of to say!
    Prayers and more prayers, Ann.
    Love, Monica

  4. anne

    how cool that smart people figured out a way to keep wigglers from wiggling during treatment! as you spend your time inside of your mask, thank God for these smart people who prepared the way for your treatment.
    i’m sending peaceful thoughts!

  5. Allison Beasley

    You can do this. Would some Valium help? I assume you only wear the mask during the radiation treatments. Will be thinking of you, dear friend, and saying daily prayers that these treatments will restore you to perfect health.
    My love,

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