Chemo 2 and Pulmonologist Visit

Chemo this time began with me feeling queasy – not a good sign – so they added another drug to help.  Being only 6 days out of surgery my body was not quite up to the regimen and I confess that it’s been a tough week. Eating has been a problem as expected and I am extra weak and half nauseated.  No energy to put up blog or even to recite details of malaise! Karen came out today and although we had several items on our agenda, I was not fit to do more than one. But thankfully, that was accomplished. She is so very patient and understanding when I feel so rotten. A good nurse! And right now I’m feeling well enough to tackle the blog for a bit.
Wednesday morning we went to the pulmonologist and learned that I am feeling winded/short of breath because my body has been under assault for several months plus I have an elevated left hemidiaphragm, some anemia, chemo, cancer, recovery from surgery and – out of condition!!  I am to rest and slowly add one of the “pulmonary toilet” (Ha!!!) activities – like the “A Capella” blow bottle and the inhaler and walking more. Had never heard of such a term before! I also have had a persistent cough that wouldn’t stop and was wearing me out with pain at incision sites. Finally, yesterday I was prescribed a miracle pill that works by reducing the reflex in the lungs that sets off the coughing. It works…. but the odor it seems to give off when I breathe is horrid – like some wilted flower! Of course the chemo causes me to taste and smell differently too.
As soon as I feel up to it we will go wig shopping. I was told that I might expect to begin losing hair. Although the drug only causes minimal hair loss, I have very little to begin with! Hope I can beat the clock; few shops seem to carry the extra small size.
While this wild scenario is going on I am paying close attention to the pilgrimage group who tomorrow will be leaving Glasgow and going by bus and two ferries to the Hebridean island of Iona. (Check out “Shalem Institute” on Facebook for daily ‘postcards’)
Thanks for your continuing support for my own journey.

9 thoughts on “Chemo 2 and Pulmonologist Visit

  1. Betty Brown Young

    Dear Ann,
    You amaze me – with your ability to share your experiences and to express it all so well, in spite of feeling crummy. I admire your courage, your spunk, and your faith. Through it all, you express your appreciation of your wonderful son and daughter, who are so helpful in so many ways. My prayers will continue to be with you as you take this journey. Walter says hi, and wants to be remembered to you. He is doing fine, considering his health issues.
    With much love, Betty Brown Young

  2. anne

    i’m so sorry this is all so challenging. my mom had lung cancer (and several others too) so this is all bringing back personal memories for me as you share the details of your journey. one of the blessings in our family was the sweet times we spent together in chemo lounges, hospital rooms, and in mom’s apartment, with no big agendas. every time i think about anne of green gables i recall that mom and i enjoyed watching back to back anne of green gables series movies together in her hospital room. you and karen are building a library of sweet memories together.
    hope your appetite will return bit by bit. and when something sounds good to you, tell all of your friends/family so they can bring you whatever it is that sounds good. (for mom it was homemade custard and a friend at westminster canterbury made it for her regularly).
    sending an infusion of good energy.

  3. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    Blessings, Ann, of peace and contentment and healing in your body. Sending you love….

  4. Pat Flowe

    Hi Ann – I haven’t commented lately, but please know that I am following your progress and that you are, of course, in my daily prayers. I also involved the Lamb Center Bible study on Tuesday afternoon in prayers for you. I’m so glad you have Karen’s support nearby . Even though we always hope we’ll never have to depend on them, it’s so great to know they’re nearby and willing. My “boys” (all in their fifties) are always ready to jump in when needed, and Jennifer is always looking for something she can do for me -whether I want it or not! Keep up the good fight – we are all cheering your courage and faithfulness even when we don’t “comment.” Love, Pat

  5. Cindy

    I love the worldwide support system going on here!
    Happy thoughts and prayers to you.

  6. Maureen Jenkins

    Dear Ann,
    You are so strong and so brave in spite of feeling so weak at times. You inspire all of us! I had 12 ” of my hair cut and mailed it to Locks of Love. Perhaps I should have given it to a local wig maker now that you are thinking of obtaining a wig! Bill and I have just returned home with a cargo van FULL of our youngest daughter, Lisa’s, things from her apartment in Boston. She has completed her Masters with straight A’s!!!
    Now, we need to figure out how to store everything before June 6th when she heads to Kabul, Afghanistan, for her job with Aga Khan…… Ann, I’m guessing we won’t see you for Peer Group on Monday……but our prayers and much, much love are with you! Maureen

  7. Regina Roman

    Dearest Ann,
    Although you would probably much rather be in Scotland on pilgrimage, this too is a pilgrimage. We journey with you in support, love and the willingness to hold your hand when you need extra help. I have a hairdresser friend who bought some awesome wigs when she went through her chemo. She looked so amazing everyone wanted to know where they could buy wigs. You will see her for the healing circle.
    May your days be gentle, love and hugs, Regina

  8. Kit Turen

    Dearest Ann,
    Oh my, it does seem like you are in an “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” period!
    Of course I’m praying for you, on my own and including you during the healing prayer time at services.
    We say aloud the name of those we want to be included in our prayers and then sing the Mi Shebeirach (healing prayer) to Debbie Friedman’s composition. Here’s a link to her singing it on you tube: You can also hear her sing–beautifully–other songs on you tube and online.
    My retreat in the Hudson River Valley was lovely. And I took you along in my heart 🙂
    Much love,

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