A Long Weekend

Since I got “sprung” from the hospital on Friday afternoon I had a “Holiday Weekend” to look forward to. Not much to report except that Karen spent Friday night and most of Saturday with me and helped me get settled with assorted devices and meds. Didn’t realize how much help I truly needed! Surgery was indeed a whammy to cope with.
I actually slept 12 hours Saturday night, thanks to a combo brew I chose! Yesterday, Sunday, Karen and Ben, Kate and Daniel were all here to join me in the usual brunch which is an assortment of tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner offerings. It’s always fun to have family around. A little later my friend Elise (originally from Holland and the instigator of all things bowls in my life) arrived and stayed for a few hours. She does massage and played the bowls on my body and we visited.  Lovely time with her healing touch. Last night was a tough night with hip pain on both sides that kept me tossing and pitching in bed until I finally took more pain med (and 1/2 sleeping pill).  Got to sleep around two – for five hours.
Today a dear friend picked me up for a hair appointment. I had no energy for this but I was in “Hair ER” and was certainly in no shape to drive! Such a gift. Here at Greenspring they have a Memorial Day buffet between one and three – which, due to the norovirus and super-sanitary conditions, meant that there was a line all the way around the dining room! (Only one buffet line as everything was served with gloves on.) Someone held a place for me as I could not stand for that amount of time. Grateful for the care and concern though. We went through this in January too. Wicked stuff and the last thing I need right now!!  My neighbors down the hall came to visit for a bit this afternoon. He is the big tomato grower among the gardeners and things are ‘poppin’.
My surgeon called this evening to check up on me which was welcome as I have felt that my breathing is most discouraging. I hyperventilate too much, huffing and puffing when walking slowly or talking slowly so that I must sit down. He thought I sounded okay and that maybe some anxiety was involved. My expectations are more like it! He admitted that I had a right to feel as I do, and to be disappointed but feels it will improve. I do my exercises diligently but can’t seem to move the little marker closer to the goal. One is a blow tube (has a little rudder in it that purrrrrs!) and an inhaling spirometer which should show progress in my intake. Before all this c-stuff I could inhale just fine, just couldn’t exhale more than 50% of it. Something new and different every day to cope with, I guess.
Tomorrow members of my church are picking me up and taking me to and from the chemo which will hopefully be a break for Karen. She has been so faithful with everything. An appointment with the pulmonologist on Wednesday morning completes my “new regular” associations with doctors.
ANNOUNCEMENT – Mark your Calendars:
On Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at 4 pm (9 pm Scottish time) – a week from tomorrow – the Shalem Pilgrimage group to the Isle of Iona will be having their evening prayer service in the Abbey, including the healing circle prayers.  (I sent a photo of it recently as well as the words to the prayer.) Please join them in prayers for healing as one of them will be in the circle for me. 🙂 If you have groups that might want to join in this “prayer by air” to the ‘thin place’ of Iona, please join us. It is a powerful place. Transfer the ‘power of place’ to wherever you are.

8 thoughts on “A Long Weekend

  1. Phil

    Hello Ann,
    I just marked my calendar… ANNOUNCEMENT – Mark your Calendars:
    On Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at 4 pm (9 pm Scottish time) – a week from tomorrow – the Shalem Pilgrimage group to the Isle of Iona will be having their evening prayer service in the Abbey, including the healing circle prayers.
    If you need a ride on June 12 (Regina and Shaman), let me know…
    Peace and love…

  2. Libby and Tom Davidson

    Thank you for sharing with us your daily pilgrimage. I appreciate your self-honesty. Could the title of that recent quotation that you shared be named “The Existential Moment”? I found it thought-provoking.

  3. Jan Mullinix

    Glad 2 get your update. Sounds like a lot of ups/downs and staying… sorry that u r having to go thru so much my dear. I continue to keep u in my prayers… God bless… Jan xo

  4. Billie Sutter

    Breathe, eat, sleep, go to doctor’s appointments until you feel better – you have one great surgeon to call and check on you so often!!! And you have the best friends in the world….even me:)

  5. Len and Judy

    It’s amazing that you have the energy for such details! But it is helpful to know about all these activities, be they relaxing or trying. We’ll be in the prayer circle on the 4th, and of course between now and then.

  6. Chris Jeffrey

    I have marked my calendar. Healing prayers for you from the US and from Iona.

  7. Nancy Davis

    Dearest Ann….so wonderful to keep in such close touch through this blog…..just wish it did not involve your discomfort……..Mitch was “sprung” from Hopkins on Friday too….you are both dealing with pain …..but so much better to be in your own beds…..my prayers go out to you….much love, Nancy

  8. Leslie

    Dear Ann,
    I’m sending love and thoughts and prayers to you. A warm gentle hug, too.
    Peace and rest to you,

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