Gratitude one day, Surgery the next

It was almost like feeling normal again!  I had two super days on Sunday and Monday that allowed me to enjoy some energy!  The highlight, though, was last night and being able to host my Shalem Circle, one of a number of small groups of people who have graduated from Shalem extension programs and are part of the Shalem Society. ( We meet to support one another in our personal and professional endeavors as well as for general sharing. Our commonality is love of the contemplative way of living.  It was the first time my group had been to Greenspring and I was definitely ‘up’ for the occasion. I was able to delight in tending to food and candles and special tea (creme brulet!) The evening was both exhilarating and empowering. I didn’t feel ill or pain! Just joy, sheer joy!  Nothing like sharing space, words and silence with those who share one’s life’s stance. IMG_0819The power of that group lingered long after they left … the vibes of very dear friends who brought treasures beyond the tangible love offerings.
Naturally, a photo of us was in order,  but Ann forgot how to use the self-timer!  So you can piece these together for an idea of our merry group.
Verleah Kosloske, Leah Rampey, Ann, Leslie Miller, Phil Stone
IMG_6561Today, Tuesday, Karen and I met at the thoracic surgeon’s office for an assessment of my situation, i.e. increased breathing difficulty with increased pleural effusion. With great skill Dr. Khandhar reviewed different options and the likelihood of success of each as they are fit into the chemotherapy regimen. As a result I will have surgery tomorrow, Wednesday, at 1 pm at Inova Fairfax Hospital, and expect to be discharged on Friday to return to my apartment.  Karen will be with me as you might know. 🙂 I’m so relieved not to be in the hospital over Memorial Day Weekend (or any weekend for that matter!) The surgery is called pleurodesis which should offer permanent relief if successful. Chemo is being postponed a week until June 4 so I’ll be recuperated enough for the second whammy!
Till I get my ‘second breath!’   Goodnight……

14 thoughts on “Gratitude one day, Surgery the next

  1. liz and David

    Dearest Ann,
    Our love and prayers will be especially with you at 1pm your time (6pm our UK time), hoping that all goes well today as you have your pleurodesis, and that that really helps the breathlessness & pain a great deal.
    With much love
    Liz & David

  2. Tina Essick

    Ann, You look beautiful. Must have been an uplifting time. So glad you are feeling better and praying for you today.

  3. Fran ces Toler

    The picture reflected the deep and abiding friendships that you developed in your years with Shalem.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you for your surgery and a successful recovery. And, i am glad that you will be home for Memorial Day.

  4. Billie Sutter

    I am so glad you’ve had some good days! Wilson lifted you in prayer by name at presbytery meeting on Tuesday night….lots of good people praying for you. I pray today that God is with Dr. Khandhar and his team as they work to relieve your breathing and that you are able to breathe more easily very soon….may breath, ruach, spirit come into your body this Pentecost season!
    Much love and many prayers….Billie

  5. Lynn

    Ann, I’m always interested in reading your postings, and appreciate so much your taking the time to keep all of us informed on how things are going for you. It is a special blessing to have happy events, such as this posting describes, mixed in with the very difficult ones that you are living with at present.
    I hope to have an opportunity to see you soon. Just know that I think of you every day, and that I continue to pray for you daily through my prayer journal.

  6. leahrampy

    It was so wonderful to be with you, Ann. You were the perfect hostess and such a joy. We’ll be praying for you this morning during our staff meeting. May your surgery be one of healing.
    Ever grateful for you,

  7. Sprookie

    I am so glad you had those two wonderful days of relief from pain and also JOY. Take what you can and enjoy the good times.

  8. Sprookie

    I am so happy you had these two days of relief from pain and you experienced JOY. We all have to take what we can of good news and try to just get past the bad.

    1. Phil

      Thanks so much for hosting our group…You are quite the host! Maybe we can meet there next time but we can bring the food to help you…

  9. Jan Mullinix

    I pray that your surgery went exceedingly well and that you are breathing much easier. Always praying!!!
    God bless, Jan

  10. Maureen Jenkins

    Prayers for your -comfort, your happiness, your bright spirit, Anne. Love, Maureen Jenkins

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