A Fast and Steady Decline

Those are the words that I find myself saying and writing to people who ask about my mom’s condition.  Hospice has had a real challenge in managing her pain and that has added complications to these few weeks.  Was it that her body was collapsing faster than expected or that she was downplaying her pain or something else?  Her body is finishing its usefulness as her digestive and circulatory system begin to join her respiratory system in their failure to fully function.  She is sleeping and resting more, she is no longer eating, and has weakened considerably in just the past few days.    She isn’t up to much in the way of conversation.  If you really want to stop by for a few minutes, please call first (703)644-3004 and someone will let you know if it is a bad time.  This morning she was answering the phone herself but I don’t know how long that will last.  She has truly enjoyed the cards that were sent – thank you for those!
I think it is fair to say that she is in her final days. It’s important to remember that we are spiritual beings in human bodies.  She has led an amazing life with her focus on spirituality always in the forefront of her choices and priorities.  She is going to let go of her body and her hummingbird spirit is going to take flight.
Your thoughts and prayers are still appreciated as she prepares for her transition and for her family, as we prepare to watch her spirit flutter and fly.

30 thoughts on “A Fast and Steady Decline

  1. Shubhda

    You’ve put your thoughts into words very beautifully. Our prayers and thoughts to your mom, you and the entire family. She is very blessed to have you by her side.

  2. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    Ann, please remember us when you come into your kin-dom, as we are remembering you and keeping alive your gifts to us. Peace be with you, my friend.
    Karen, I am praying for your strength and peace at this time and that of your entire family. What a blessing to have had her so intimately in your life! May those memories of her presence in your life, of your presence with her now, and the delight of the ways you will discover that she remains present in the years to come sustain you until you meet again.

  3. Maureen

    Karen, I weep as I read your words about Ann’s decline. May her transition to her “full hummingbird spirit” be gentle and pain-free. Blessings on you, dear Karen, for all your loving attentiveness . Ann’s situation has been made so much easier because of you.
    Continued prayers for Ann and for all your family, Karen.

  4. Lynn O'Connor

    I’m sorry to hear that, Karen, but Ann has been such an inspiration to all of us in the manner in which she has dealt with real health difficulties. Her body may be giving up but her spirit will live forever and it is such a consolation to us that share that knowledge with her. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to get to know Ann here at Greenspring, mostly through our Pickle-Ball games.
    And what a blessing you have been to her, Karen. She definitely could not have done it without your help and love. May God continue to bless you as you move forward with your own life, as I know He will with your Mom.
    My deepest sympathies,
    Lynn O’Connor

  5. Linda Warehime

    Thank you so much for your update for all of us, Karen. I ‘m so glad I was able to visit 2 Saturdays ago. It was a precious visit for me. I just sent a note to Ann this afternoon. My prayers and love remain with you all as Ann takes flight! May God’s peace abide…

  6. Phil

    Hummingbird, sing for me now.
    The raven in the willows,
    by the stream that runs
    from the sky,
    Hummingbird, won’t you come down?
    Come show me how to face my fear
    Sing for me when I know not how
    to sing my song for all to hear.
    Hummingbird, sing for me now.
    The raven in the willows,
    by the stream that runs
    from the sky,

  7. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

    As you keep vigil and as Ann prepares to return to God, may God bless all of you and keep you, may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may Love lift up the light of Love’s countenance upon you, and give you peace.

  8. Debbie Miller

    I love the thought that Ann’s “hummingbird spirit” will take flight, even as I grieve that we will no longer have her with us. She has been a true blessing, and you too, Karen, have helped us with your carefully and lovingly crafted reports. I have never before been so included in a friend’s transition to the next life. Thank you, and David, for your care of Ann and your faithful updates. Truly, we are spiritual beings in human bodies!

  9. Cindy

    Thank you, Karen. The love surrounding your mom is so special. You are a caring daughter.
    sending my loving thoughts….

  10. Betty Brown Young

    Such sad, but sweet words. You and your mom and family are in my prayers.
    Love, Betty

  11. Regina Roman

    Dearest Karen,
    Your words express a sacred journey. In the Native American tradition it is said that when Ann was born, she cried, while we rejoiced. …now we weep as her spirit rejoices on its journey into the energies of Light and Pure Love. Know that Ann as well as those who care for her are guided with tender care.
    Thank you for all your updates .
    My Shaman friends place a feather in the hand of their loved ones as they transition. Like the Hummingbird spirit, Ann will move with grace and elegance.
    Feel embraced with love,

  12. Kit

    My heart goes out to Ann, you and your family, to David and his family and to the wide circle of us who love her. Ann knows herself to be a spiritual Being; ultimately eternal. She is easy to connect with on the spiritual level which does not depend upon a body. A wonderful gift I have experienced.
    She has been so blessed by the loving support you and David have provided.
    Sending love,

  13. Len Bjorkman

    The words of the “American Negro Spiritual” come to mind:
    Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus
    Steal away, steal away home
    I ain’t got long to stay here
    My Lord, He calls me
    He calls me by the thunder
    The trumpet sounds within-a my soul
    I ain’t got long to stay here
    Green trees are bending
    Po’ sinner stand a-trembling
    The trumpet sounds within-a my soul
    I ain’t got long to stay here

    There’s a soothing, and yet invigorating, rendition at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEqSA0nqtcA

  14. Judy Nemecek

    Dear Ann and Karen,
    How blessed we have been to share this trip with Ann and you through the writings you have shared with us. You have both been an inspiration to all of us . We are glad that we have been able to share time with Ann with visits as we moved around Greenspring and Carl at Pickleball. What an example you have been as you faced each new day and challenge. Our prayers and thoughts continue with you each day as you make this final journey to God’s kingdom. A room is prepared for you and peace with mo pain will greet you. We will miss you and your strength but will remember the lessons you have taught each of us on your journey. Thank you Karen for your love and care. our prayers are also with you and the rest of the family.
    with much love,
    Carl and Judy

  15. lisa richey

    thanks again Karen, for your generosity, during this sacred time with your mom. Ann is SO dear to SO many. you, David and your families are, too. so please know i join the many simply holding you ALL in our hearts.
    i also want to thank you on a very personal level. i’m in a similar season with my own mom. you and David have modeled for me the way i WANT to interact with others In The Midst. i don’t do it as unselfishly as ya’ll, but THANKS for helping me try to accompany my mom with and in Grace.
    HUGE LOVE to Ann and ya’ll…

  16. Jan Mullinix

    Sorry to hear that Ann is declining, and her “Hummingbird Spirit,” is alive and well and will soar w/the Eagles when it’s the right time… she has touched sooooooooo many in wonderful, memorable ways that will always live in our hearts… Much luv and prayers continue her way… Jan

  17. Liz Burndred

    Dear Karen,
    You express things so beautifully… Just like Ann.
    Please give Your Mother our love. We posted a card to her in London yesterday.
    In deep gratitude for her friendship and all that that and Ann’s journey on earth has shown and taught us.
    We pray Ann’s pain maybe eased by the hospice team and for peace and love to surround her on the final stages of her journey.
    With love and thanks to you Karen
    Liz and David

  18. david kepley

    My the peace of god that passes all understanding come over you, your mom, and all who love her!

  19. Jayne Shontell

    Karen —
    I am so sorry for you and David. It is difficult to watch someone you love fade away. I treasure Ann’s friendship. It has been a privilege to travel this road with her and her family. She inspires me — and will continue to inspire even after she has transitioned from this life that she has loved to dearly. Holding you, David, Ann and your families in prayer.

  20. jeanie sweeney

    Wow. And it was only last thursday that I spent some quiet hours: sharing of books (of course), and music; the “work” of her dying preparations, the satisfactions of having planned practical things with David and Karen, and then just sitting in the bedroom while she napped. She loved the quiet company, me too. A shining afternoon of the “I am with you” Presence of “two or three gathered” and we knew it, and appreciated it.
    Karen, thanks for your full-of -grace words. You have all been in my prayers these days. Transitions for all.

  21. Susan G ferry

    I wished I spent more time with Aunt Ann in the last couple of years.
    A couple of years ago a had a weekend with her and we were talking about Heaven.
    We both smiled at each other and were saying that it will be….. beyond our imagination!

  22. Kaye White

    Thanks so much Karen and David for creating this website and posting so we could be with your mother on her journey. As sad as it is, I rejoice that not only has Ann taught me how to live, but more importantly how to die. I have a singing bowl on my end table which she introduced me to many years ago in a seminar. I will make it sing for Ann and her spirit as she transitions. Tell her I love her and will use her Spirit Windows in my work at my church. I am chair of Adult Education and Spirituality and use much of what she taught in my work there. My love and prayers are with you all.

  23. Kay Kulp

    Please give your dear mom a hug and kiss from us. We will be keeping her and all of you in our thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. May this time be relatively free of pain and a smooth passage into the Presence of Jesus – a place beyond our imaginations. Our love goes out to you all.

  24. Jayne Shontell

    Those of us in Ann’s Shalem prayer circle will be adding humming bird feeders to our gardens in Ann’s honor. We invite others to do the same.

  25. ann

    If you can please say goodbye to my old college room mate in Exeter 1953 – remembered with affection and amazement (her energy). I have a lump in my throat.

  26. Carol

    Karen, David, Ann,
    Thank you each & all for being hummingbirds in our lives.
    We are better people because of you.
    Love always,
    Carol Hovis

  27. anne

    a couple of days ago my husband and i were sitting here on our front porch (perhaps for a meal). a hummingbird came and hovered just below the ceiling for a sweet moment (though there was no nectar nearby to enjoy). it seemed like a sweet blessing from ann on the time we were taking to enjoy these august days.
    ann will continue to be an active part of my life long after her earthly life is complete. may it be so for each of her hummingbird friends and family.

  28. Nancy Davis

    my dear Karen….what a beautiful tribute to your wonderful Mom…your words are a work of art…hug your mom gently….my love to all of you…Nancy

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