Spirit Windows is Done! Mom's getting a set of wheels!

On Friday, a friend of Mom’s from Shalem, Martha Sherman, took her up to the Summit House.  Although they ran into terrible traffic, they arrived safe and sound for work and relaxation.  With her help, Mom was able to finish the last details of Spirit Windows!  Martha needed to return down here on Saturday morning for some other obligations. So that Mom wasn’t left alone, her (our?) cousin, Rocky, came by to keep her company until shortly before I arrived.  I got up there with some fresh produce in hand from down the road which I later included in our dinner.   I thought that Mom would be at the annual Ice Cream Social or “chomping at the bit”, ready to head over there, waiting for me to arrive but she was napping in bed.   I am still rather stunned by her decline at times.
We eventually made it over to the Ice Cream Social on the lawn in front of the Blue Ridge Summit Free Library.  It was a beautiful day, mid-seventies, light breeze, and lightly clouded.  Perfect for hanging out, scoping out good used books, enjoying ten minute shoulder and back massages, and eating hot dogs.  There was some decent entertainment too!  A nice guy took Mom’s aluminum porch chair to set on the lawn for us as we were dressing our dogs but didn’t make sure that it was sturdy.  Mom sat in it and it immediately toppled right over, dog falling onto her clothes then rolling onto the ground.  I guess it is the small-town nature of the place but there was a group of people around her before you know it all trying to help.  The EMT who was hanging around was there in a jiffy, checking her out.  He inquired, “Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” Mom’s response was “Heavens, NO!”  He then asked her if she wanted help to stand up and put his hands under her armpits and swooped her up to standing.  The guy who set her chair down returned, apologizing profusely for not checking on the chair, and quickly replaced her hot dog with a new one.  I was really touched by all of the care she received.  She had some bruising the next day on her side and but otherwise is fine from the fall.  We returned back to the house and Rocky joined us for a visit.  After dinner, two neighbors (Pat and Medie) dropped by for visits.
Sunday morning started as a painful one for Mom.  She just hurt all over until the miracle of modern medicine started to take effect.  It also marked a time of much wheezing as she walked around.  She just couldn’t get enough air in and out.  I was worried that she might faint and requested that she just be still while I close up the house and pack up belongings.   I was amused in the moment, asking her to be still!  A sad moment that I will always remember was our trip out to the workshop before we left.  I watched her eyes as she looked at all of the paperwork filed neatly in labeled plastic containers.  “You will have to take care of all of this”, she said.
Monday morning was an appointment with Dr. Williams (pulmonologist).  She is still coughing up a yucky, mucous-y phlegm so the doctor is prescribing another round of antibiotics and steroids.  He said that bacteria can get stuck in the lymph nodes around her lungs and can be difficult to dislodge.  Her lung function measured lower than it ever has. That could be caused by the inflammation from the infection or inflammation from the cancer.  Another question still lingers of whether her low energy and abundant need for rest is a side effect of the whole brain radiation or the cancer progression.   Because she can occasionally feel unsteady and woozy from pain meds., the doctor is sending a “Rollator” (photo below) to Greenspring.  This will also help her take breaks when she needs to – she can just stop and plop down on the seat and can catch her breath!  Tomorrow is a MRI of her cervical spine to which Susan Catallano has so kindly offered to chauffeur her.  Thursday is a brief meeting with Dr. Heyer to check in because her condition seems to have changed significantly since he last saw her.
Thanks for your concern and thoughts.

13 thoughts on “Spirit Windows is Done! Mom's getting a set of wheels!

  1. Billie Sutter

    So glad Sw is now complete! I know that’s a relief to Ann.
    I’m sorry to hear about he fall and the return to meds again – but hopefully they will get things under control… breathing is a necessity!
    I do hope the Rollator is in bright blue like the picture. My mother-in-law’s was bright red – love those colors…so cheerful.. And the 4 wheeler – as eel called Laura’s set of wheels – is a great thing to own and use!
    Hugs and prayers dear Ann …and Karen, thanks for the updates!

  2. Leah Rampy

    Karen and Ann,
    I’m so grateful that you are keeping us updated. You are an amazing duo and I am touched by how you look out for each other. I pray for abundant blessings for you.
    And we at Shalem are SOOO excited about Spirit Windows. What a gift it will be to all!

  3. Maureen

    Dear Ann,
    I’m happy that Spirit Windows is completed!! Congratulations!! You have been wanting to put a “period” at the end of that sentence for some time now.
    The “rollator” sounds like a good idea. You can sit whenever you need to sit. Lock the brakes first, though!
    No more tumbling out of chairs !! Ouch!!
    Nelle Temple-Brown is in town for a few days and will be storing some of her things here for a few months. The family that had stored her things when she sold her Falls Church house is moving out west. Nelle says she will collect her things in October and take them to Florida with her to her home down there.
    I had a brief visit with Howard in his temporary “supply” ministry over at St. Peter’s which is not too far from where I live. His little office is a far cry from the huge, fancy office in his old job in Centerville.
    Ann, I’m going to pray to the Holy Spirit – Holy Wind, BREATH of God – to give you strength and comfort and courage.
    With loving hugs,

  4. Jan Mullinix

    Your Mom is blessed to have you near enough to tend to her since she’s not her best at this point. I would like to know when Spirit Windows is available and the cost. I want our church to have one available for our women’s retreats now and in the future, and it would be lovely if she could sign it for us. It was such a blessing for us and her that she was able to do our retreat two years ago. She brought along a backup person, and didn’t even have to call on her… a miracle… Give her my luv and I shall continue to hold her up in prayer… Jan xo

  5. Susan

    I am so happy to know Ann was able to attend the ice cream social and especially finish up Spirit Wondows! Lots of logistics and love present throughout the weekend!
    Thank you for sharing with us!

  6. lisa richey

    dear Ann and Karen,
    i join all in grateFULLy celebrating the completion of Spirit Windows. what a generous gift to so many.
    obviously, i’m sad a rollerator is needed at all, but am glad you now have one, Ann. isn’t it amazing how long we humans so often avoid the tools that can help us put our energy toward The Important Things?
    i pray you will continue to both roll on and rest, when needed.
    you are all surrounded by so many with so much love…

  7. anne

    i love it that y’all went out for hot dogs! and i’m so glad all the folks came to help when help was needed. one of the things about presbyterians is that they’re often better at giving help than receiving it. but in order for folks to be able to give help, someone needs to share their need and receive help. the two of you are role-modeling for the rest of us in this regard.
    from time to time i spell people’s name on my dining room table to remind me to pray for them each time i pass the table. i’m going to put ann’s name there right now (along with 2 other special people who are already there.)

  8. Sprookie

    Congratulations on finishing Spirit Windows! That was really a very big push, and now it is done. I am glad you have the rollator; sit when you need to! You will be in my prayers constantly hoping you get some relief from pain, wheezing, and fatigue. Thank goodness for Karen.

  9. ann

    Poor Ann. Such a hard struggle she is having. For me you are ever young dear soul.
    I am so lucky so far to be able to do most things and enjoy the things I do. Went on a cruise and walk round part of the British Isles a few weeks ago. As we sailed from Mull I looked across the water on a beautiful evening and saw Staffa and Iona in the distance and remembered that you had been there doing your bit for your Christian group. I hope you can look back with your mind’s eye and remember it.
    Love Ann London

  10. Namcy Davis

    Karen and Ann…what a picture you painted….thanks you so much for keeping us posted….please know I have not forgotten you…I am in Hourd County Gen. Hosp since Mon. After waking up on my bathroom floor….no hot dogs involved

  11. Leslie

    Congrats on finishing your cherished project and for accepting help when you need it:). Warm gentle hugs to both of you, dear Ann and Karen.

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