Holy Interruptions – a Repeat!

This is an invitation to take advantage of the online retreat that was offered in early April … and is now being offered again this coming weekend by Shalem.  (June 6, 7, and 8.)  It is a fun collection of ways to perceive interruptions and opportunities for savoring words (poetry, scripture, story), art samples, and special music.  You can do it on Friday or Saturday or Sunday, or a combination of days.  Whatever works. Here is the info:

Holy Interruptions — Online Retreat Day

Would you benefit from taking a day to rejuvenate, recharge, and refocus?

This is a very accessible, practical, low carbon footprint way to deepen one’s contemplative way of being in the world — Retreat participant

Join Adjunct faculty member Ann Kulp as she guides you through a retreat day from wherever you are.  Using material Ann has utilized on retreat days for years, repurposed and adapted for an online setting, you will enjoy guided meditations, reflection questions, poetry, art and music.
June 6-8, 2014 (one day retreat can be taken any of these three days)

For more information and to register, please click here. 
Still discerning?  Get a feel for the spacious intent of the course with our Retreat Day video here.

http://shalem.org and scroll down to Holy Interruptions is the above link doesn’t open.