A Reunion and a Few Surprises!

The last I made an entry I was anticipating an overnight visit to my childhood friend as well as my 62nd High School Reunion in Ellicott City, MD. Lots of fun and delicious food but who were some of those faces??!!  Hopefully there will be name tags next year and we won’t go home without connecting with someone who was there!  Still, it was incredible to hear stories from classmates that boggled the mind. We lose touch and then don’t normally learn these fascinating stories. I enjoyed re-connecting with several from the field hockey team – which was my high school and college sport of choice.  After the lunch I visited another two friends and returned home after dinner. A super getaway.
On Monday of this past week I saw the doctor about my heel/foot/ankle… wondering what was still going on. Had an x-ray and the results: nothing really. Some osteoarthritis, bunion still annoying, and some swelling. Nothing to prevent me from activity of any kind (except pain!).  Whoopee!!
This past week I had chemo. It will be every third week until it either doesn’t work or I react to it. On the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo I take the anti-emetic (anti-nausea) drug Decadron.  Well….this time I got so hyped up from it that I thrashed in bed, in fact,  so badly that I decided to just get up and work those three nights! Cleaned out closets, bureau drawers, did e-mail, and more! Such energy I hadn’t had since Thanksgiving 2012! Felt wonderful!  Then came Friday – 72 hours after chemo when it normally “hits.”  I was expecting the usual ‘low’ from the chemo …. queasiness, weak, weary, and wanting to nap all the time.  But no – I was able to go to all my dinners without any appetite problems, and ….. guess what?  I even went to play pickle ball yesterday morning!!!!!!!  Now – I need to report that after these many months I was not exactly in fit shape. Although I did my warm-up time quite well, I should have skipped it!  In each game I did successively poorer!  My pickleball friends were very understanding as I huffed and puffed and ran out of steam. Still…. I had the joy of swatting that wiffle ball and being part of the group once again. Happiness is …
I continue to do some spiritual direction as well as work with Shalem staff planning an online Retreat Day.  They have been very understanding with me as I move into this new kind of presentation, and we recently had a two hour conference call to clarify many things. My energy level peaks when I work with such resources and challenges. (SPIRIT WINDOWS will follow.)
On Wednesday I have an appointment with the pulmonologist to see how my breathing is doing. I expect it to be fine, given my condition. I climb stairs more easily despite a pause at the top to catch my breath, but definitely not as bad as it was several months ago. I’m really doing quite well, I think. For the first time – on a chemo weekend – I went to church and this afternoon attended the West Point Alumni Glee Club concert here at Greenspring. A real treat. And – no weekend ‘low.’  I have managed a first….. let’s just hope that this is a sign that the chemo is working and not the reverse!!!  Haha!
Next Sunday I will celebrate my 80th birthday – which I was not sure would happen when diagnosed seven months ago.  Not that I’m thrilled with the age (!) but it is indeed a triumph.  I signed on for Shalem’s Society Retreat (13th-17th) and Contemplative Prayer Vigil (13th-15th) at Mariottsville, MD.  It is the 40th Anniversary of Shalem (I’ve been connected with them since ’84) and the vigil can be done anywhere and for any part of the 40 designated hours. Check out this web site and join us in prayers for the World. http://www.shalem.org/index.php/shalem-programs/vigil
I believe I’ve filled in all my news for another ten days.  The weather has been idyllic and I leave you with a photo of Greenspring (2012) IMG_0723as it changes color out by the pond.  Fall is at hand and rain is desperately needed. “Into each life some rain must fall….” so says Longfellow. It seems somehow pertinent!  Thanks for all your continued support as I see you, hear from you, and feel the ongoing positive vibes.

12 thoughts on “A Reunion and a Few Surprises!

  1. Pat Flow

    So glad to open my email and find a nice, long “catch-up” to your blog. It seemed so long since the last update that I was getting a bit worried. I heard you were at church today, but I had to rush out so quickly to meet Jennifer that I missed you. Such good news – Pickle Ball, yet! Happy birthday and welcome to the 80’s. I’ve been there for eight months now and still sometimes catch myself thinking, “Eighty?? Can that be right?” I’m a lot busier than I thought I’d be at this age. Where is that rocking chair, anyway? Just kidding. I thank God for each and every new day. Keep up the good work. Love, Pat F.

  2. Patricia

    Congratulations Ann!!! I am de,lighted you are doing so well. May you have ;Life to the full as you celebrate your 80th birthday. I am quite well too, recovered from my broken hip. I am in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, where I used to live. Swimming and the view from my balcony on to the beach is wonderful. Blessings and love, Patricia

  3. Linda Warehime

    Ann, so good to hear from you when I got on the computer this morning – and the picture was beautiful and the RAIN is coming any minute – at least up our way!! I’m so glad you have been able to participate in so many blessed events for you and others. Such good news about the lack of chemo after effects this time. And, yes, I can see you working all night – you always were a night -owl, but that’s a bit much, right?!
    Have a great week and birthday – hope the two of us can celebrate the next time you are up at Blue Ridge Summit – three guesses what we will do !!!! Much love, Linda

  4. Betty Brown Young

    Before moving to Charlestown, I lived near the retreat center in Marriottsville. My community was called Waverly Woods, and I lived there 11 years, all but 1 1/2 of those years with John. He played golf at Turf Valley. I plan to call Sherry to volunteer for the Reunion Committee. I hope the chemo will do its job, Ann, and that you will look back on it and realize it was worth the side effects, in order to have the good results.
    Have a Happy,Happy 80th birthday! I’m not far behind, so guess we will have to “suck it up”. Being 80 isn’t really so awful, which is a pleasant surprise.
    Love, Betty

  5. jean sweeney

    Hi Ann,
    Ahhhhhh. I had forgotten (again) that you are a field-hockey player of old. That game, too, had the wonderful run and solid connection of the hit of the ball — such good full memories of fall, teaming, and fun.
    You life is full and being fully relished. Yay. The Greensprings photo is beautiful.
    Keep in your prayer the 30 women of Fluvanna Prison who will be making the Kairos Retreat Thurs thru Sunday. As one of the team I go down on Wednesday, bringing 100 doz homemade cookies from my church used to entice them to the retreat and for them to share with the others in their units. One of the women at my table is 19 and will be at Fluvanna until 2054. Another for life. others a couple of years. The gift of becoming part of community – living in and with Christ – is astounding. Many women become positive leaders in the prison. the warden has noted how the environment has changed…is changing since these retreats began.
    I am still impacted by sinus/allergy infections so I, too, need prayer for Spirit-energy.
    The cost of going not at my best is small compared to our sisters living a life imprisoned (in heart).
    My love to you dear Ann. hug, hug. Jeanie

  6. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

    Thanks for all your news, Ann. I am celebrating your birthday already! And am grateful for your ongoing contributions to and participation in the Shalem community. You are an inspiration!

  7. Billie Sutter

    The rain has come and gone from the house – as I’m sure it has for you about now…such welcome relief for the earth – such concern for those in low lying areas.
    I am so very thankful that God has given you a new lease on life! It is a joy to read about your renewed energy and your ability to begin to get back into ‘normality’ these days!
    Please don’t overdo – we’d like read more pickle ball stories…not splints or wraps on ankles:)
    Much love as you continue to do what gives you joy!!!

  8. Nancy Davis

    Great to hear from you…..I have you on my calendar for10/17…. The other half of my piano bench awaits you…..did you say you were spending night with Kathy ? So glad you are doing so well…prayers answered…keep in touch…Love. Nancy

  9. Kathy Heidelbach

    Just want to reaffirm how well Ann is doing. While we are in touch on a regular basis, I had not seen her since last May when my granddaughter drove me over for a visit a month after my knee replacement. I remember we stopped several times on our walk to lunch. My knee appreciated the rest and Ann was kinda weak and needed to catch her breath. Tuesday night, on our way to dinner where I live, I asked Ann if she wanted to stop and take a break. You should have seen her expression. “What do you mean take a break. I’m fine and certainly don’t need to stop? Why are you asking me that question? Can’t you see I’m fine.” Need I say more. It was a real joy to see her just like her “old” self. (and I don’t mean old in age!!) She has been telling me this for months, but I needed to see it for myself. She looks great, too. We can all rejoice!

  10. Judy Molseed

    Ann, Thank goodness the heel/ankle/foot show nothing more than osteoporosis. I know you won’t let that get in your way. Congratulations on the upcoming birthday, Bob hit 81 last Saturday. We went out to dinner at Clydes. That is what he wanted, no present to buy, well I did get him a small sketchbook at Michaels and a silly card. I like his birthdays!

  11. lynn oconnor

    Enjoyed your update, Ann. Sounds like you are doing pretty well. We are just back from a quick trip up to New York and Cape Cod for family get-together/birthdays and the foliage as we were driving thru PA and NY was just about in full color. So I think you can get your camera out again and get some fine photos of our own foliage show here at Greenspring!
    Happy Birthday, and enjoy it to the fullest!

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