Massachusetts Vacation

I was suddenly aware today…. that I hadn’t posted anything for over a week….that life is obviously moving along well….that there is really no news medically….that I am feeling as close to “normal” as I could hope for. Some shortness of breath when going up hills – toward the top. But I’m able to remain active, despite the heel difficulties. No thoughts of chemo or cancer either. (That will change next week, of course!) But for now: run up the flag!
I am enjoying the most idyllic spot you can imagine… at David’s in Ashfield, one of the picturesque hill towns in the Berkshires. As usual, I find myself totally immersed in the beauty of the farm and the whole area. This is the view from the Sugar House adirondack porch chair where I sit and read or knit or work on “Spirit Windows.”  Making progress too!
It is David’s and Tamara’s ‘post and beam’ home with a few additions as of a year ago.
IMG_6676Solar panels have been added to the sunroom roof. David’s vineyard is to the left and back of the house along with his apple trees. Blueberries and raspberry patches and cut flowers are in a lower field. Fresh veggies and herbs are near the house. There is a deck off the dining room and all four kids were shucking mountains of corn there a few days ago. (No, he doesn’t grow corn too!) Tamara has two boys (14, 12) and David two girls (10, 8).  Fresh corn and tomatoes are my favorite foods so I’m in heaven!IMG_0357
Once used to make maple sugar, the sugar house now has a large bedroom/sitting room and bath for a guest house. Wonderfully comfy!  Nothing like having private quarters!
To the right of the barn is a pond where the goose and ducks have access. There are also 2 gorgeous horses, 2 cute goats (kids, really), 3 guineas, hens and chicks… plus 3 dogs, birds, fish and hamster. A private zoo! The farm is on a hilly dirt road about 1/4 mile from where the girls get the school bus. I’ve walked out to pick them up several days. Earlier in the week I took them shopping for shoes, school supplies and hair trims. ‘Grandma time.’  We lunched at Panera one day and stopped for smoothies another.  One day I went with Tamara and the girls to the Ashfield Lake where one can relax with the view or swim. I watched the girls jump, dive and swim, and watched Tamara swim halfway across the lake and back! Views from this whole area feed the soul. Immersion in this atmosphere tends to divert one’s attention toward what is real… and to help me enjoy each moment.
Now to close by sharing some floral beauty from the nearby town of Shelburne Falls, just off the Mohawk Trail, ten minutes from here. They have a renowned bridge over the Deerfield River which used to be for trolleys but is now “The Bridge of Flowers” and a prime visitor site. It parallels the iron bridge (Bridge St.!). The girls and I took a walk over it the other day. Enjoy the pics.
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I hope that everyone has a restful Labor Day weekend.  Joy!

14 thoughts on “Massachusetts Vacation

  1. Namcy Davis

    Soooo beautiful .,.,,the perfect life…thnx for sharing thoughts. And pics… Made my day…what a blessing..

  2. Allison Beasley

    Ann, what an upbeat message from you. So glad you’re feeling so well and that you took full advantage of the peace and beauty of David’s place. It looks heavenly. Thanks for the exquisite pictures.
    Much love,

  3. Debbie Miller

    Dear Ann,
    I rejoice that you are in such a beautiful place with your loving family. It does indeed look so peaceful and renewing. Soak it all up and enjoy! Life is good.
    Much love, Debbie

  4. Shubhda Fajfar

    Sounds peaceful and looks picture perfect and the best place for you to be right now or anytime
    🙂 Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Maureen Jenkins

    Such amazing beauty, Ann! Real ‘soul food’ and the perfect place to heal and enjoy some family time!
    Continued love and prayers for you!!!!

  6. Linda Warehime

    How beautiful! I’m so glad you are enjoying your time with everyone! Happy Labor Day to you too! Love, me

  7. Betty Brown Young

    What a beautiful place! Gorgeous photos – I can see why you like it! And your own GUEST COTTAGE!
    AND, spending time with your grandchildren. What more could you ask? I’m glad that you are having
    some fun after having endured your ordeals.
    Love, Betty

  8. Kay Kulp

    Aunt Ann,
    We are delighted to hear you are feeling so well and able to enjoy David and Tamara’s beautiful farm. It brings back wonderful memories of when the kids and I stayed in the Sugar House and visited the Bridge of Flowers. What a restful place to be. Love to you and all your family, Kay

  9. Amanda Wagstaff

    Hi Aunt Ann,
    Your visit with David, Tamara and the kids sounds wonderful! Enjoy the rest of your stay and tell them I say “Hello!”
    Lots of love,

  10. Jayne Shontell

    It’s good to hear from you, Ann. David’s place in the Berkshires looks wonderful! I’d imagine that once ensconced there it would be difficult to leave. Enjoy the farm and your family. Blessings.

  11. Kit

    Ann dear,
    Delighted to know you are in a gorgeous spot with loved ones, feeling as close to “normal”** as you can and having a fab vacation!
    **But of course I’m a big fan of the many things that make you uniquely Ann….so a bit off the norm! (As are so many of my fav folks!) And I bet there are those who think I’m a bit outside the box as well.

  12. Ann Kidd

    Great to hear that you are coping so well at your son’s house, enjoying the environment and your grandchildren.
    I gather you have to cope with more treatment when you get home.
    I am just back from a week’s holiday in Austria near Innsbruck, but I visited the “Disney” castle in Bavaria and Moreno spa town in Italy as well (open borders these days).
    I did some walking – the best was going up high by cable car and chair lift and enjoying the views from a ridge walk.
    You are not the only one huffing and puffing up a slope!! Love Ann

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