Not To Be Missed …

Four months ago a friend sent me this video and I was engrossed with ‘other things’ and just now pulled it up.  The e-mail was titled “WHAT GOES ON IN THE GARDEN WHEN YOU AREN’T LOOKING.”  The actual video is entitled “The Beauty of Pollination.”  You may have already seen it.  In case not, here is a treat.  The first 44 seconds show some stunning hummingbirds, then you are treated to bees, bats and monarch butterflies.  Nature is indeed a marvel.  This will slow you down and stir your heart.
Absolutely incredible photography!

The hummingbird doing rolls chasing a bug is neat!
…be sure and watch closely  and check out the baby bat under its mama. Unreal!
If you never knew what goes on in the garden when you aren’t paying attention, watch this – some of the finest photography you will ever see.  Sound on!                

6 thoughts on “Not To Be Missed …

  1. leahrampy

    Beautiful. Incredible photography. Maybe we can include a prayer of gratitude and hope for the bees.

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