The Hummingbirds Have Come!!

isYes, I love them. I’ve put out nectar every year, same recipe. Same hopefulness. However, I have never had more than a couple takers, now and then. But…. guess what?!!  I put out my feeder two days ago – and – dozens have been swooping, swirling, competing, hovering and zooming around!  They have emptied the feeder in two days! A pair will try to light, then chase one another, in and out of the patio space, while a third helps himself. They are territorial and so fast! I can’t count how many have been darting about. Dozens! I am glued to the sight!
The last time I had such entertainment and hummingbird delight was when we visited David in Santa Cruz in 1996. Graduate condo overlooking Monterey Bay where the upstairs porch was next to fir trees with the birds darting in and out to the feeder, almost into one’s hand. (Maybe they did; it’s been a while!) Some of my friends have garden flowers to attract hummingbirds, a more natural way to observe them if possible. One, in Boulder, CO, has a mama bear living in a cave nearby and obviously doesn’t put out nectar!
These wee ones are so unbelievable in their speed, size and ability to take in so much liquid at once. They can fly at speeds exceeding 34 mph. They are also the only group of birds with the ability to fly backwards because they can rotate their wings in a circle. Their wings beat from 60-80 times a second and make the humming sound that gives them their name. Their long tongues allow them to lick their food at a rate of up to 13 licks per second. During migration, some make a non-stop 500 mile flight over the Gulf of Mexico. Oh, yes, and it has the largest brain of all birds (4.2% of its total body weight).
For those curious about the beliefs surrounding hummingbirds, there are talismans from the Aztecs depicting the bird, symbolizing vigor, energy, and skill at arms. The Aztec god is often depicted as a hummingbird. One of the Nazca Lines (geoglyphs) in Peru depicts one.

slide_269220_1870660_free (I have silver earrings of it from my pilgrimage there in ’08.) It is a symbol of life and joy, and of beauty and harmony.  Because of its swiftness it can respond quickly; because of its resiliency it is able to travel great distances tirelessly.

Here is the prize piece of information: They can detect flowers that have healing qualities, knowing how to search for various fragrances, colors and types in the wild. In Native American cultures they see the hummingbird as a symbolic doctor or healer because of this ability to use and find flowers to heal themselves.
Hummingbirds, keep coming!!!
P.S. I can report that I am doing fine after the first maintenance chemo, with minimal side effects. I am more disturbed that my feet (heels) are not healed!
Go hummingbirds!!

13 thoughts on “The Hummingbirds Have Come!!

  1. Jayne

    I, too, have been watching hummingbirds daily at our two feeders on our deck in Maine. For the life of me, I can’t understand why they chase each other away from the feeders — there is plenty of room for all. There is abundance and yet they act like there is scarcity. Hmm — sound like another species we know?
    It makes me happy to know that we are both enjoying our birds many states apart.

  2. anne

    we didn’t put out our feeders this year, so it was fun to experience the hummingbirds vicariously this morning.

  3. lisa

    thanks SO MUCH for this very healing lesson, dear Ann. who knew? 😉 may that all of that healing also help your feet very soon!

  4. Linda Warehime

    What an enlightening post, Ann. I’m so glad the hummingbirds have found you – so much symbolism there of which I was unaware. I learn so much from you!
    We have just been experiencing the joy of watching 2 attend our feeder outside our kitchen window – they don’t even seem to mind the cats that sit in that window!
    I will share with Bill all my new knowledge about the bird today!! Thanks Ann. Prayers continue especially right now for your feet. Love, Linda

  5. Shubhda Fajfar

    We have our honeysuckle which they seem to find each year…However, we were in San Luis Obispo and the hummingbirds just sat at the edge of the nectar feeders like regular birds -first time to see them taking a break!

  6. lynn oconnor

    I’m getting a few more hummers this year, too. Our apt. is on the shady side of our building, and I think that has some effect on their desire to visit my patio. However, I have placed my feeder in a location on the patio that allows me to watch their activity throughout the day more closely. So it could be that I just did not notice their activity in years past. I do not have “bunches” of birds, but I am thoroughly enjoying the ones I do have! (When we lived in Lexington, VA, I had three feeders in three different locations on our property. Two were in view of my kitchen window over the sink. At times it was like a battle field and instead of being a relaxing and calming experience while cooking or cleaning up, I felt like I was in the middle of a huge air war!)
    It was good to see you, although briefly, at the buffet yesterday. You continue to amaze me!

  7. Maureen Jenkins

    You really know alot about hummingbirds, Ann! Thanks for sharing! We have really enjoyed the ones we see in our garden. I often see two together but have not seen bunches of them at once like you have. It’s been a good year for hummingbirds!
    Janet Cornelius sends you her love and prayers.
    SO happy that the chemo and treatments are going so well. Plantar facitites is a real pain! Have you seen the physical therapist about this? They roll a heavy pillow over the back of your calves and you’d be amazed at how it helps. They also have a little tool that they use to ‘dig’ it out, so to speak. Good luck with this… Love and hugs, Maureen

  8. Betty Brown Young

    Ann, I am glad you are enjoying the hummingbirds. I, too, have a hummingbird feeder, and am as entranced as you are with watching these fascinating tiny birds. I am having better luck with the red store-bought
    nectar than I did with the sugar-water recipe. I hope your heels are better, and that you are continuing to feel well and energetic. Enjoy what’s left of summer!
    Love, Betty

  9. Betty Brown Young

    Ann – I am re-typing a comment. Glad you are feeling so well as to be able to enjoy the hummingbirds.
    Keep it up!
    Love, Betty

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