Chemo vacation nets good results :-)

With joy I can tell you that the extra three weeks between chemo treatments has made a huge difference in my energy level and my breathing.  A total of six weeks was between the last of my initial treatment series (4 treatments; every 3 weeks) and the beginning of the “Maintenance doses” (every 3 weeks for I don’t know how long).  I will not know the results from the radiation or the chemo until after my second treatment, which will be around the second week in September.  Not knowing, though, can sometimes be a blessing when dealing with vicious vermin-like cancer cells!  I just assume that how I feel is the best indicator (as the docs all say) and that all continues to be well.  The only complaints have been swollen eyelids (which they think may be allergic reaction to something) and the return of plantar fasciitis (heel pain; had it decades ago) which limits my ability to play pickle ball – just when I have the energy!  Drat! I have several kinds of treatment I can do – if I take the time to do them!!
Time at Blue Ridge Summit with glorious mountain air and delightful peace and quiet nurtured my inner being.  I dug around the files in the workshop to locate my SPIRIT WINDOWS legal documents and watched two movies on TV, both oldies. Washed some curtains, swept porches and walkways and rejoiced that I could go up and down steps without heavy panting when reaching the top! (Also hoping those red blood cells have climbed the ladder.)
I am happy to share the news that SPIRIT WINDOWS is going to be republished!IMG_0923  I have had some most productive conversations and meetings with individuals and groups at Shalem and they are ‘in gear’ to make it happen. They are such a resourceful bunch of contemplatives! It is heartwarming to know that so many doors (windows?!) are opening to see this dream materialize. All is ‘on track’ for now as we move ahead. One question for you: Has anyone had experience in self-publishing a book that is in non-traditional format?  i.e. a spiral binding with horizontal layout. (Most places do only standard format and binding.) I re-printed it three times using Staples but perhaps there are some small self-publishing firms that might be competitive for such a project. The book will remain essentially the same except for corrections, and some additions/deletions as one might expect after 15 years!
As though the above didn’t bring smiles to my face, Shalem is also inviting me to participate with them in their online courses, using some of my dozens of presentations I’ve used in the past twenty years. I’ll have more details later, but this will preserve some valuable resources in a way that can be widely shared.  🙂
Your part? Please lend your support through positive thinking, imaging, prayer, whatever way suits…. that I might continue to feel progressively better … yielding lots of good red blood cells, good energy, less and less breathlessness, and … oh, yes, please throw in ‘healed heels’ for playing pickleball!  PB119-1

16 thoughts on “Chemo vacation nets good results :-)

  1. Maureen Jenkins

    Hi, Ann ~ All those prayers and good thoughts must be ‘hitting the mark’ !! You are doing so well!!! Thanks for sharing the good news about Spirit Windows. Yesterday, I watched two hummingbirds in the backyard!! I thought of you when I saw them. Continued love and prayers, dear Ann!! Love, Maureen Jenkins

  2. Linda Warehime

    Oh, Ann – such good news! I rejoice with you. And yes, prayers for healing so you can play your beloved pickleball!! 🙂

  3. Sara B

    Swirling whirls of good news, positive energy and forward productivity — cheers to you, Ann!

  4. Ellen

    It’s not necessarily pretty work but massage can do a lot to help P.fasciitis. Come see me. Anyhow, you know we always leave each other laughing. -e

  5. lisa

    on Ann, my heart is after reading this update. i’ve put out some ‘feelers’ to other friends who’ve self published about non-traditional formats.
    NOW, i just have to learn about pickleball 🙂
    AND i continue to send you ALL that is good.

  6. Sprookie

    I am so happy for you that you have this reprieve. I hope it lasts forever. As always, thoughts and prayers come your way.

  7. Phil Stone

    So happy to hear about your health improvements as well as your book being republished… I was talking about your book to someone yesterday. What a great writing about contemplative prayer methods.
    See you at Circle!!!

  8. Len and Judy

    I notice that your editor advised, “Reframe your mind/spirit, woman!” and that you commented that these words “will always be delightfully remembered whenever I pass through other valleys of despair.” It seems that with the Spirit’s help you have indeed “reframed” and that you are a most inspiring example of moving from despair to trust, hope, and community. The windows are marvelously open “to the holy power of light.”

  9. lynn oconnor

    Always glad to hear upbeat news from you, Ann. You are a remarkable person with a similarly remarkable daughter!
    Best of success with your new ventures. With the weather we’ve been having, it’s good you traveled to your lovely home in PA!
    Your friend,

  10. Jan Mullinix

    So thrilled to hear that you are feeling more energy and moving on to do things that bring you peace and joy. YAY!
    Our committee is moving along w/the 1/2 day fall retreat that’s held at DUMC in October. Our theme for this one is “Once Upon A Time…” We thought since we listened and were silent in the spring that we would tell our faith stories to one another in small groups. Kitty is a real storyteller, and she and another lady at the retreat are taking charge of this one. We are excited about the upcoming experience and I’ll keep you posted on how things come along. God bless and much good health… 🙂

  11. Billie Sutter

    Doing a happy dance for you! What great news!!! Wish I knew something about publishers to help you, but that’s not in my bags of tricks:(
    Sending prayers and positive images that SW is published easily and that you are as easily able to continue with positive experiences!!!

  12. Pat Flowe

    What an upper, your latest posting.! Of course, you’ll continue to be in my prayers daily, and your positive attitude and courage are an inspiration to us all. Hope your heels clear up and let you get back to your pickleball. I remember the game from a visit with my sister in San Diego years ago. I didn’t play it, but it looked like a lot of fun. Continued blessing to you. Pat F.

  13. Betty Brown Young

    Ann, I love receiving your upbeat messages – and especially this one. I am so happy that you are feeling so well and are able to accomplish so much. My prayers are with you in this journey!
    Love and hugs, Betty

    1. Allison Beasley

      Ann, it’s thrilling about Spirit Windows and about the help you’re going to give Shalem. My copy of Spirit Windows has sat on my coffee table for years. Can’t wait to see the new edition.
      Re those heels: stretch is the answer. I know you know that. Son Trip has just been here for a week’s visit. He has p. f. , but has been stretching his heels and is now walking 6 or 7 miles a day. Hope you can get rid of it soon. Pickle ball awaits!!!!
      Much love,

  14. Debbie Miller

    Three cheers for Spirit Windows! And for your new energy! I am thrilled that all the treatments are working and allowing you to do the things that you love to do!
    A heart full of love and hope,

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