Music of the Spheres (double entendre intended!)

Ever since I was told last week that I could have a CD of my choice played during the radiation I have reflected on what that might be. I who have a massive collection of music, mostly classical or choral, was confronted with a decision of heart, suitability, and length. Timing estimates for the procedure seemed to range from 30-60 minutes. My first thought was Rachmaninoff’s VESPERS which I had heard at the Washington cathedral this winter from the rear balcony; it was sublime.  It’s been a favorite for years, but not appropriate for Tuesday.

Almost immediately my mind then turned to Ralph Vaughan Williams’ THE LARK ASCENDING.  It is fifteen minutes in length and is an exquisite rendering of the skylark in flight, soaring, flitting and singing. A solo violin is the lark, taking one on a magnificent journey skyward. It becomes a tone poem, one in which you can allow yourself to accompany the lark and see and feel all that the music might suggest. The composition was inspired by the 122 line poem of the same name written by George Meredith. The excerpt below is included at the beginning of the score:
Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 1.18.04 AM
He rises and begins to round
He drops the silver chain of sound,
Of many links without a break,
In chirrup, whistle, slur and shake.

For singing till his heaven fills,
‘Tis love of earth that he instills,
And every winging up and and up,
Our valley is his golden cup
And he the wine which overflows
To lift us with him as he goes.
Till lost on his aerial rings
In light, and then the fancy sings
(You can listen to the music on YouTube and read the whole poem through googling the author’s name and title.)
I have some additional pieces that will follow and complete an hour’s worth, if needed.  Selections such as Massenet’s “Meditation from Thais,” Schumann’s “Traumerei,” Elgar’s “Enigma-Nimrod,” and Mascagni’s “Intermezzo, Cavalleria Rusticana.”  A mix of cello (Yo-Yo Ma), sax, orchestra and violin. So pull up the above piece or pull out some of your favorites and follow along with me as you visualize inspiring places and dreams.
P.S. I also plan to take a valium prior to all this. I want to be sure that my mind and body are both cooperating.   🙂

13 thoughts on “Music of the Spheres (double entendre intended!)

  1. lisa richey

    i will join you in listening to/reading The Lark Ascending on Tuesday. and while i won’t be joining you in your Valium – i’m glad you’ve got this back-up plan in place 😉
    continuing to hold you in The Light and in my heart, dear Ann.

  2. Linda Warehime

    Sounds like a wonderful plan. I look forward to listening too! Prayers continue. Love, me

  3. Betty Brown Young

    Ann, Thanks for sharing this. You are in my heart and my prayers, Love, Betty

  4. Leah Rampy

    Beautiful, Ann. May you be still in mind and body and may your spirit soar.
    Sending love and light. Leah

  5. Billie Sutter

    Prayers, prayers, and more prayers! You have a great ‘play list’ – I know that and the valium will help you stay quiet…

  6. Sprookie

    Your possible choices are all favorites of mine, except the Elgar. Good comforting pieces. Don’t forget the Valium!

  7. Karen

    Nice selection. (I remember when Daniel learned to play Traumerei a couple of years ago.) Any others around there at the time will also appreciate such soothing music. I guess I will be in the waiting room and won’t hear it. :\

  8. Maureen Jenkins

    All your careful planning and attention to detail along with the Valium and all the prayers of those who love you as well as the Centering Prayer gathering on Tuesday evening should make for a calm and serene time of treatment, Ann. Blessings!!!

  9. Nancy Davis

    Great choices…among my favorites too…especially Elgar’s Nimrod…will listen with you tomorrow….good tubing….bet you’d rather be going down a cool river wearing your bikini….think of that and smile tomorrow !….Hugs and prayers…N

  10. anne

    i put a link to the music on e-gleanings today and asked folks to pray for you as you prepare for your treatment and as you undergo it. hope that was ok.
    continuing to send good energy for peace and healing your way.
    do you need more cranes for your bowl? i can send you a packet if you do.

  11. Sara B

    Flighty, lush, and soaring is The Lark….hope the divine choice assisted the valium in a ‘Calgon’ response to a bath of challenge!

  12. Regina Roman

    You offer us such a prayerful way of approaching life – the joy-filled and the valium-filled! The music, the prayers surrounding you, the love for you and the images of hummingbirds are all powerful healing agents. May they continue to guide you towards well-being.

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