Upcoming Schedule

My last chemo of the series was on Tuesday and I took advantage of my 72 hours of no side effects to visit with my cousin and his wife as well as a dear friend from many years. Then came Friday and a few days of feeling weak, weary and woozy. I chose to spend it in bed this time, an excellent decision!  Karen came today, encouraging me to go to Sunday brunch.  We did.  Beginning to feel better though still very tired.

Now the challenge of cages, helmets and masks.  Please keep me on your calendar this week and next. I’ve been prescribed some valium to help me through it all!
Monday, July 15: Consult with neurosurgeon on radiation team 2:00
Tuesday: MRI of brain 11:30; make a mask of my face 1:30
Wednesday: CT scan of brain with mask (bolted down) 10:30
Monday, July 22: Annual ophthalmologist appt.  Eyes still watering.
Tuesday: Appt. with oncologist (where we go from here) 1:15
Targeted radiation appt. 5:30, always end of day. 30 minutes with mask bolted down!
Thursday: Appointment with pulmonologist

Screen Shot 2013-07-14 at 6.06.27 PM
: Prayers, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year 
by Joan Borysenko, PhD. has been a prime resource for me since it was published in 1994.  Each day offers a “Seed Thought” as well as a “Prayer/Practice.”  All very brief. Today I send you one from last month’s readings to reflect on.
Each of us is truly a bridge between heaven and earth.  Just as the physical light of the sun is transformed by plants into all the organic matter on the earth, we are the transformers of the Divine Light that accomplish God’s creation on the earth plane.  Summer is a time for drawing down the Light.
One of the ways that we draw down the Light is by opening our hearts compassionately to others.  Continue your prayers for whatever specific objective you have chosen.  As you meet and think of people today, remember that every thought is a prayer.  Mentally wish people well.  Imagine them as happy.

6 thoughts on “Upcoming Schedule

  1. Jan Mullinix

    So 11glad to hear from you. I’ve been wondering the last few days how things r going w/u. Nice that you quoted from our fav book from Joan. I was watching one of Oprah’s Life Classes and she had a doctor on there who was talking about the scientific proof that prayer works and gave many examples of how it even works when you pray about seeds growing… wow! Will still be lifting you up in prayers and sending light thoughts while u r “bolted down…” gracious… grace, grace, and more grace… Jan

  2. Phyllis VanLare

    Ann, I have spread the word to as many as I can remember that have been in the radiance you have opened us up to. May the Radiance hold you in the Heart of the One from which you came. Am off to my singing bowls now.
    Deep penetrating love is supporting you. Thank you for telling us what you would like from us…
    The many you have brought Deeper into light/love, Phyl

  3. Nancy Davis

    Will be thinking of you all week….this mask is evidently new since Earl’s Gamma knife treatment.9 years ago. I send love and wishes for a peaceful journey through the tube…..Hugs, Nncy

  4. Regina Roman

    “Miracles are natural, corrective, healing and universal.” (T-2:II:1:2) – A Course in Miracles. Precious Ann, may these procedures of cages, helmets and masks be a provider of miracles for you – each day, each moment and with each prayer of love surrounding you. You are a miracle for us who have the privilege to witness your journey. Much love, Regina

  5. Maureen Jenkins

    Ann, you are so brave and strong as you navigate through all the treatment!! Thank you for suggesting the Joan Borysenko book! You are a wealth of resources for so many of us. Love and prayer, Maureen Jenkins

  6. Phil Stone

    Thanks for suggesting this book… Your schedule is full…be patient and peaceful. The Divine is with you!
    POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES: Prayers, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year by Joan Borysenko, PhD. has been a prime resource for me since it was published in 1994. Each day offers a “Seed Thought” as well as a “Prayer/Practice.” All very brief. Today I send you one from last month’s readings to reflect on.

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