Oversight: Photos of peace cranes

In case you would like to see the peace cranes (of course! and apologies, Anne!) here is the vase of refreshed cranes, nighttime lighting.  All you retreat goers who made cranes in April …. here was the centerpiece!

Here is the bowl for visitors; y’all come!

5 thoughts on “Oversight: Photos of peace cranes

  1. Maureen Jenkins

    Hi, Ann ~ The Peace Cranes reminds me of the night at the Washington National Cathedral when a group of us prayed an ‘all night vigil’ on the Fifth Anniversary of 9/11. We made over 1000 during the night. We also chanted and prayed all through the night for peace. Thinking of you as you continue your treatments and tests! Much love and prayers, Maureen

  2. Rachel

    The peace cranes are so beautiful! Ann your spirit sounds so good, I am in awe. I’m so sorry for the MRI testing and pray for you all the time!
    love and hugs

  3. Monica Maxon

    These are just amazing, Ann! And of course you are amazing, too.
    Sending you much love,

  4. Jan Mullinix

    They are soooooooo beautiful! I was in Frederick one day in a shop and found a little white ceramic one that I, of course, had to have… 🙂
    Hugs, Jan

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