The Pall is Lifted…. hallelujah!

This afternoon the darkness of four rather uncomfortable, nauseous, weak and woozy days began to subside. David had arrived last Thursday when I was in tip-top shape, hardly believing that he would be needed.  We ate at the buffet with a dear church member from Japan who has been gifting me with homemade madeleines and ginger and origami. 🙂
Next morning, Friday, I had a bath and discovered that I had barely enough energy to get out of the tub! Whoa! Bang, slam, whammy. I keep forgetting that I get zapped so suddenly. Feel like I’m hit by a Mack truck. Hard to get around without collapsing.
Saturday I felt a bit better so we went to Blue Ridge Summit where I had arranged for us to visit with a family member whom I hadn’t seen since David was a toddler! A delightful visit with Mary Ann, though I was definitely not the hostess, completely forgetting that I had invited her for “tea and biscuits” and SHE came with coffee cake and tea which never got opened!! Yes. IMG_6584IMG_6579
It was another gorgeous day on the mountain and my lilies and roses were climbing and blooming even more, thanks to my caring next door neighbor.
Here is the corner garden where the lilies and soon the Black-eyed Susans will bloom.
We returned Sunday after visiting a bit with my cousin Rocky, and missing the rain that apparently soaked this area. I picked at food that evening, knowing that I must eat in order not to lose weight and in order to gain back some strength after the big wallop!
David left early Monday morning, wondering if he might be leaving a day too soon. I decided that my being so incapacitated meant perhaps an opportunity to get my car in the shop for long overdue work.  Miraculously they came for the car, took care of all the work, and returned it today! Even ran it through the carwash.  Of course for what I paid, I’m sure they were delighted to oblige!  Feeling pretty lousy, I spent most of the day in the lazyboy; not even a hint that I would go to the dining room for dinner.  Another church member came to the rescue with some homemade soup that was about all that I was able to tolerate with a few crackers … and a bit of Ensure. Then last night … you recall my night owl habits … I began to pick up some energy and well-being. (Calories help too!)  I could walk without reaching for a chair!
Today Karen came by to assist with some housekeeping that I couldn’t accomplish alone. She brought me a little “gift” which was quite a surprise: a totem of a hummingbird! IMG_6595 It is precious and three-dimensional. Esther, one of my Danforth Graduate friends from Michigan, also forwarded some pics of an albino hummingbird… a rarity.
Mail AttachmentI contacted my friend Gladys, whom I knew from my work at her church in the 80s, and she accompanied me to dinner.  The fare was appealing and I actually had a decent sized meal … all four courses! I think I’m back on track for recovery from chemo #3!
Tomorrow Debbie, another of my Danforth friends, will be coming by to visit! She lives in Roanoke and is on the way to her Maine home with family. She too is part of the group that was together right after college…58 years ago!  She and Jane (came from Chicago to cathedral) and Allison (who went on the Shalem Iona Pilgrimage with her husband) joined me on a pilgrimage to Machu Picchu in 2008. Our whole group totals ten and we hope to gather in Maine for our next “reunion.” Such fantastic friendships and spiritual bonds.
Next on the agenda will be my CT Scan Friday to see if the chemo has been beneficial.  I won’t have any information until July 2 when I meet with the oncologist to review the scan. I know that you are all totally ‘with me’ in this next step, trying to be prepared for ‘whatever’ and yet believing that healing progress is our positive focus and prayer.

8 thoughts on “The Pall is Lifted…. hallelujah!

  1. Billie Sutter

    All is well…all will be well. Please take care of you – and do try to eat:)

  2. Regina Roman

    Precious Ann,
    What I so appreciate reading about is your strong and supportive community! Family, friends, caring strangers, healers and the unknown ones all offer something in the healing process. Thank you for your updates and pictures.
    Hugs, Regina

  3. Jan Mullinix

    You were very much in my thoughts and prayers this morning as I was rereading all of the wonderful handouts from the retreat — such treasures and wisdom. I am still amazed at what you put together for us and were so able to come and carry on w/so much caring and “vigor.” God is good! Sounds like there are ups/downs and u r coping as u go along this road to recovery. May God bless and keep you and shine His light upon you and give u peace… Jan

  4. Carol Hovis

    Sending love, prayers, solitude, from St. Mary’s, Sewanee, TN.
    Look forward to seeing you next month.
    Hugs and love and yeah Supreme Court,

  5. Libby and Tom Davidson

    Thanks for your latest report. We are continuing to remember you in our prayers and are impressed by your persistent and determined outlook. What a power is Christian hope!
    Libby & Tom

  6. Allison Beasley

    So glad you’re bouncing back from your brief but powerful decline. You’re simply amazing! What a positive attitude! Loved seeing the beautiful pictures of the gardens at the Summit House. It makes me happy to read how your friends – from church and from neighbors and from everywhere – are supporting, praying for, and loving you. I’m in that group. Give Debbie a hug from me today. Here’s one for you!
    Much love,

  7. phil

    On vacation at Turks and Caicos…Continue with your updates…I am rereading Joel Goldsmith and “Practicing the Presence”…Hope you continue to get your strength back… Blessings, Phil

  8. Kit Turen

    Dearest Ann,
    Although I am not surprised, I am so delighted by all the support and love flowing your way….as you so lovingly share with us via your blog! And of course, so much love flows from you!
    Because you enjoy beauty, I want to say I went to the most spectacular fashion show yesterday as part of the Smithsonian Folk Festival “Will to Adorn” program. The designer of the gorgeous clothing and headwear (all wearable art) is named Januwa Moja and she refers to her designs as “regalia.”
    Love, prayers and e-hugs,

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