Huffing and puffing – and 'The Summit House'

Apologies for neglecting the blog for so long.  It was not due to poor health – although the usual ups and downs – but due to a backlog of legal and financial duties that needed attention.  I’m not sure if it’s the chemo, the cancer or an aging memory that has also caused me to ‘forget’ a few promises as well.
Since I last made a medical entry I had a swallowing difficulty that ‘came and went’ with both liquid and solids but caused me concern around the windpipe/esophagus.  Fortunately, it has gradually become less frequent and the doc is not worried. Last Wednesday I had a pulmonology appointment with the usual spirometry test. A shock to put it mildly. As I was blowing into the device I got the most excruciating pain in my back (lung), and on the third try it happened again. Very painful.  Never had this happen before in all the years I’ve done it. The doctor was not concerned, merely said we don’t need to do it again, but reported that my numbers were better than two weeks ago (up from 44 – 55) and he is not worried. Give it time. I wish I had pursued the issue because since that time I have found myself more and more short of breath when I walk and talk, and also trying to go to sleep.  I huff and puff (!! yes, like the old bad wolf!), panting and wanting longer breaths. I see the surgeon on Tuesday morning and can see if anything pulled loose or if he finds any connection to the surgery.  He had mentioned having a 25% improvement after surgery and 5-10% each day thereafter. That hasn’t happened. If anything, I am gasping more than before.  🙁  I don’t like it.  Following that appointment Tuesday I go for my 3rd chemo infusion. I am doing really well in tolerating the chemo and eating. I sleep lots and wish for more energy but do get some evening spurts (never in the morning!) and have done better this past week which is to be expected. People say that I’m looking and doing well, and that is nice, but I’d trade that for good deep breaths any day!
Yesterday Karen took me to Blue Ridge Summit, PA to the house there since we had an appointment to update the deed and to bring back some needed items.  It was simply glorious weather and we enjoyed it all immensely.  Today was a match…. heavenly.  Both days the man who keeps up the property for me was there trimming the hedge and weeding, etc. A huge amount of work. My next door neighbor had also contributed to some weeding and trimming, showing me my climbing roses my English friends planted for me last summer – and – for the first time ever! – my peonies IN BLOOM!IMG_0854  I always seem to get up there when they are past full bloom.  So here are some samples of the beauty I saw:
In addition there is a kousa dogwood tree that neImage 5eds some pruning! and this most exquisite Asian lily that was moved from being in the midst of five sedum to its own space. Karen agrees that the photo doesn’t do it justice; it is that glorious!  You see them in floral arrangements but so many blooms in the garden!!  With many more yet to come.  Since I have the black thumb of death with plants I feel sure that Paul is still out there working his magic!
The setting for the lilies is shown here in early spring.
Hedge is in front of house, garden on left corner.Blue Ridge Summit house - 01
Here is the front view of “The Summit House” (as the kids call it), built in 1909.  Behind it is the garage and workshop. My aunt and uncle owned it between 1933 and 1997 when we bought it.  Treasured memories for me since my grandparents and three aunts and uncles lived within one square block!  It is a quaint little area on the mountain with a history of huge hotels and notables who came for the summer to escape the heat and humidity of Baltimore and Washington. The old Western Maryland Railroad built “Pen-Mar Park” where there were amusements, a pavilion overlooking the Cumberland Valley, a miniature railroad, a carousel, and formal dining and dancing …. until air-conditioning suddenly brought the demise of the hotels and tourist industry.  Pen-Mar Park has been restored and features a Big Band every Sunday afternoon in the summertime. My cousin Rocky brings his band every summer which is a joy since they are super!  And on June 29 there will again be “July 4th Fireworks” nearby at Ft. Ritchie (now closed as a base). It is spectacular with lake and mountain backdrop.
Now you can see that I am more interested in Blue Ridge Summit than I am in my health!  All that is good, of course, and helps to detract me from obvious discouragement. Hope you’ve enjoyed the little Kulp travelogue!
I would be neglectful not to mention the wonderful caring people who have called, sent cards and notes, and inquired faithfully. My church group of folk who live here at Greenspring meet for dinner periodically and were most welcoming and supportive at our dinner last week. I was included at another dinner which completely slipped my mind, held by a dear friend from Pickleball.  I’d like to blame it on chemo brain, but simply hadn’t coordinated my calendar.  My cousin Tom and his wife from southern Maryland visited this afternoon … and we had occasion to get caught up a bit. Other visits are planned. I am continuing to try to have enough energy to work on the many piles of paper, computer updates and mail, and thank-yous. Very far behind. Please forgive me if you are one of those!  My prayers continue for several dear friends who have gone through deep crises of grief as well as joy … and I send my gratitude to each of you for your continued support as my body is assaulted in assorted ways. Wish me well for chemo #3!  My special thanks to Karen who has been by my side countless days and inquiring regularly. And… I eagerly anticipate David’s visit with me for several days beginning next Thursday! (The ‘whammy’ days from chemo). Love and joy to all….

11 thoughts on “Huffing and puffing – and 'The Summit House'

  1. Mary Colyer

    Dear Ann,
    I shall pray especially for that pain in your back and your breathing.
    What lovely pictures of the Blue Ridge Summit house and the peonies ! It reminded me so much of my visits to my grandparents house, just round the corner and your description of the people travelling up to the hotels in the summer heat is just how my mother used to describe it to me. Only the other day she was telling me how , when she was a child she and her parents sometimes slept out on the back porch as they had rented out all the rooms in the house in the summer. I think my grandfather used to run a taxi business moving everyone around as well as running a boarding house. Hope the sunny weather continues for you; it is rain as normal in England. I have been reading your blog and keep you in my prayers. Love, Mary

  2. lynn oconnor

    Thanks for sharing the photos of your home and gardens, Ann! Beautiful!!
    It’s wonderful that you were able to make that trip and to enjoy it so much.

  3. Jayne

    What a treasure the house in PA is! The flowers are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I am continuing to hold you in the Iona prayer. Blessings.

  4. Nancy Davis

    Loved the travelogue and pics…memories for me too. you’ve done a great job with the property…looks beautiful…and the flowers lovely! Good luck with chemo 3…hang in there!!!!….Love, Nancy

  5. Debbie Miller

    Great update! Loved the pictures and also the memories of 2 Danny Grad reunions there! I understand your concern about the sharp pain and the breathing issues! Nothing is scarier than not being able to get enough breath! Prayers for Chemo #3 and this week’s doctors appointments.

  6. Regina

    Dearest Ann,
    Thank you for the update and all the wonderful pictures.
    Perhaps you will write a new story…..instead of blowing the house down…all the huffing and puffing will blow that cancer right out of you and into the Mystery which takes all of you into a loving and tender embrace.
    with healing thought and generous prayers,

  7. Verleah

    What an inviting place. The flowers are glorious. Now I understand why this place is so dear to you.
    Peace and all good to you and your family.

  8. Jan Mullinix

    Great description and pics of the beautiful flowers and house. I know u enjoyed being there and seeing things in full bloom. It’s bound to raise ones spirits. Hope your breathing improves quickly. Good luck w/Chemo #3.
    My grandson, Steven (Gary’s son) has been w/me since Wednesday. He’s such a great kid (20 y/o), and has had multiple opportunites to sing and play his guitar since he’s been here. Also sang/played at church this morning “Amazing Grace.”
    Praying as always for you and much improvement…
    I’m still doing the body prayer. Saw a nice singing bowl the other day that I kept picking up and putting down… tempted…
    God bless, Jan xo

  9. jeanie sweeney

    Hi Ann,
    I’m back from an afternoon with Shalem SGP and feeling the spaciousness of all things contemplative (!). Your pictures add to this. Your description gives such a vision of life at one time in the Summit area, and the flowers witness to life now. Ah, how things get
    simplified and the history and beauty adds such sweetness.—- for me too, in the looking. I am so glad for the grace of appreciation in you.
    As I breathe, I will be in solidarity with you –may the Ruah flow in you. xo

  10. Kit Turen

    Ann dear,
    You are a natural blogger! I read this post after I read the later post. It was so reassuring to read about the lung problems you wrote about in this post, knowing that things would get better and you’d get a really good breath score.
    Your country home is lovely and all the blooms glorious. I’m so glad you, Karen and the rest of your family have such a beautiful retreat. I bet Paul’s loving gardener energy is still surrounding the garden like a beautiful quilt.

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