On the Uphill this Week

Having had chemo less than a week from surgery failed to give me the resources I needed to cope with the toxic chemicals and feelings of nausea. But – despite a lousy few days, Saturday dawned with surprising energy!  My dear friend Mariela was here to clean (always a lift!), I walked all the way around the quad (courtyard, indoors), went wig shopping with Karen out of desperate need (!) and walked to the buffet dining room with her for a good dinner. Then she brought up summer clothes from my storage bin and we rearranged winter/summer stuff that gave me a tremendous boost of mental energy! Here is the ‘new look’ – the only wig to fit but one that Karen really liked a lot, saying I should wear it all the time.IMG_6571 I definitely will, when out, but I’ve always found them to be somewhat itchy so close to scalp. I’ve had people do a ‘double-take’ and others not recognize me (until I smiled, I was told!) and most seem to say it’s great. Despite the photo, it IS the color of my hair – so much for cosmetic adjustment! Chemo may age one; wigs take off ten years!
Sunday was not as good a day, probably because I got spoiled by all of Karen’s attention the day before. She keeps my spirits ‘up,’ for sure. I managed to go to the Sunday Brunch but without much enthusiasm.  Today, Monday, dawned much better and I feel that I am back on the upswing from Chemo 2. So much so that I invited my spiritual direction Peer Group to meet here this afternoon!  I’m not to drive as long as I am on narcotics (ha-ha…would be arrested if in accident….I’m SURE I’ve done it in the past without thinking though!) Anyway there were four out of five of us present for our session today. One brought some sandwiches and homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and I had some hummus and crackers. We’ll break for the summer and resume here at Greenspring in September. A most congenial group that I look forward to each month. Episcopalian lay woman, Methodist pastor, Catholic Benedictine sister, Episcopalian priest and me, the Presbyterian/ecumenite.
Tomorrow afternoon is the day of the Healing Service at the Iona Abbey.  I will join them at 4 pm EDT as they lay hands on people in the healing circle. You are invited to join in as well. The prayer, once again, said for each person is:
Just picture all those for whom you wish healing and offer the prayer. I like the fact that it is not specific, presuming that a particular outcome might be “right” but rather says “all that harms you” – a wonderfully open and receptive attitude of grace and blessing.
The week includes appointments of various sorts so you may not hear again till the end of the week. You may pray that my appetite remains good and that I regain a few lost pounds. However, I can now wear some slacks that I couldn’t get into 🙂 a big triumph since I put on eight pounds since moving here, which is not unusual. Assume that all is ‘uphill’ unless you hear otherwise!

13 thoughts on “On the Uphill this Week

  1. Len and Judy

    While the wig is certainly a very nice piece, it’s really the smile and the laughter that we can hear that are the identifying features!
    We’ll be in that circle with you and them and the Spirit!

  2. Billie Sutter

    I like your new ‘do’ – a bit of a change in style and color, but very nice! Will join with you for prayer tomorrow afternoon:)

  3. Kit Turen

    Ann dear,
    I dig the new ‘do!
    Hugs galore and I’ll join in for the Iona healing prayer session tomorrow,

  4. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    You look younger in the wig and like your beautiful, healthy self! I will be praying with you and those in Iona at 4:00PM. Blessings of peace and love. P.S. We prayed for you at the COM meeting on Saturday.

  5. Shubhda Fajfar

    Great choice on the wig ! If people don’t recognize you, just tell them you’re a relative of Ann’s !

  6. Nancy Davis

    The hair is adorable…….and you know I wouldn’t just say that. Just afraid you may not have the strength to fend off the single men at Greenspring. My special thanks to Karen and David for their loving devotion……true love…..my prayers go out to all of you. Much love, Nancy

  7. Jayne

    You do look lovely! I will pray with you and those at Iona tomorrow at 4. Blessings. Jayne

  8. Chris Jeffrey

    I love the new look. I will be joining the prayers at 4pm.

  9. Tina Essick

    I agree. You look beautiful!! So glad for Karen and others that are there for you.

  10. Linda Warehime

    Oh, I agree with everyone – I like the new look!!! I too will be joining you at 4 – what a special day this is!! Love and hugs, Linda

  11. Martha Stringer

    The wig is great! You look terrific in it. You’re a tiny warrior who doesn’t give in. Cheers and prayers.

  12. Phyllis VanLare

    Why “Sassy Chick” comes to mind is a surprise!
    Soul to Soul or Heart to Heart. Yes . That would beTruth.
    I will join in the 4PM prayer ,

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