
I am delighted to be in a place of silence: HOME!  No sleep first night.  No, I’m not an environmentally adaptive person! However, last night I had my ear plugs and eye mask that Karen brought me and the staff didn’t wake me for “vitals” at a rigid hour.  Probably got a good six hours sleep.  Wonderful care and people.
One liter of fluid was removed; the drain was taken out this afternoon.  Sigh!  I still have a pain med in a small grenade (Karen’s word!) that I carry around in a shoulder bag for ‘nerve endings’ where the tube acts like a sprinkler hose around my lung. I’m mostly on just extra-strength Tylenol. Am surprised that I was only there for two days and each day does bring improvement of some kind. I’m still short of breath when talking (no chuckles, please!) and walking too briskly. When I got home I practically collapsed into the lazyboy and fell asleep, -even woke myself snoring! Karen had to persuade me to come out of my comfy cocoon and get ready for dinner.  We went down to the dining room and joined a table of five others where I quickly began to forget myself in the chatter. Good friends all around.
I’m doing so well that the surgeon and oncologist agreed that I should have my 2nd chemo on the regular (former) schedule, which means next Tuesday, not delayed a week. Goal is to be aggressive since the lung biopsy showed a lot of cancer cells, kill them off with chemo and build bone tissue with the Xgeva, so I can return to pickleball, he said! I hope! But for now it’s one day at a time. Best of all, I have such a supreme bevy of supporters all around. Offers for rides and all kinds of extras. One woman here at Greenspring told me this evening that she had put my name on yet another prayer list!  Don’t forget the Iona prayer for healing. The Shalem Pilgrimage begins next week; I would have gone for my 4th trip there; they will stand in the healing circle for me instead. Iona is a powerful “thin place” and one of the earliest of the earth’s creation. The prayer which I have cited earlier from the Iona Abbey is –
Everyone in the circle has hands laid upon hands on their head and the prayer repeated for each person. Then another circle of people kneel or stand for healing prayer. Yes, you come to memorize it by the end of the service! We all need it for wholeness, so picture yourself there too!

HPIM8546_2Healing circle
HPIM8528Iona Abbey
(Founded by St. Columba in 563 A.D.)


Iona, north end
One mile x three miles

13 thoughts on “Home!

  1. Debbie Miller

    Oh Ann, thank you for giving us the Iona prayer so that we can join in. And those pictures! How wonderful that your community is so “there” for you! Thank you for Blogging us even when you must be very weary! Cheering you On!

  2. Jayne

    I love all images of prayer in circles. That’s why I love the Trinity icon. Thank you for sharing this beautiful image of “circle” prayer. In a circle — there is no beginning and no end. Just continual prayer. Holding you in continual prayer. Blessings. Jayne

  3. Leah Rampy

    We’ll be holding you in the Healing Circle at Iona Abbey on Tuesday, June 6, at 9pm (4pm in DC area). I wonder if everyone could join in the healing prayer for Ann at that time. It would be wonderful to know that we are all together in prayer. Leah

  4. Fran ces Toler

    I was glad to see the Iona prayer in your post. One of the best memories I have is my trip to Iona some years back. It is indeed a special and spiritual place. Am happy to hear that you are home and that your doctor has a plan to get you back to playing pickle ball- whatever that it.

  5. Libby and Tom Davidson

    You are an amazing woman, Ann. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily…still…and will be…
    Tom & Libby

  6. Mary D.

    Dear Ann, I hold you in my heart and prayers for continued strength and healing. I love your beautiful spirit!
    Peace be with you!

  7. Rachel

    Your wonderful spirit shines in this post even how tired you must be. I hate being in pain and you have all my sympathy and constant prayers. I love the Iona prayer. HUGS.

  8. Regina Roman

    Dear Ann,
    So glad to hear all has gone well! I tell people that all healing modalities are welcome because we never know what the tipping point will be for our well being. I will be with the the Iona group in prayer for you on June 6th at 4:00 pm USA time! My peer group meets that morning so I will also invite them into this prayer.
    healing hugs,

  9. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    Dear Ann,
    Welcome home!
    You are a soldier.
    I will be joining the Shalem Iona Pilgrimage in prayer at 4:00PM EDST on June 6. Too bad I can’t be in Iona with them. Maybe another year.
    I pray that I have even a portion of your beautiful spirit when my time comes. Meanwhile, your are in my heart and very close to that Loving Presence that dwells within me.
    In peace and love,

  10. Mary Ann Payne

    Ann, I am SO glad for this nmessage! You will be playing pickle ball yet! Thinking of you and praying. These updates mean so much. With love, Mary Ann

  11. Maureen Jenkins

    Thanks be to God! You are back home, safe and sound! Lots of love and continued prayers for you as you journey along this unfamiliar path, Anne. Hugs, Maureen Jenkins

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