A Bit of Whimsy

I discovered this little poem in the book Life Prayers (same series as Earth Prayers),  shared it Monday night and feel led to share it with you.  It sort of fits my day.  Maybe it will fit yours too!!
This is It
and I am It
and You are It
and so is
and He is It
and She is It
and It is It
and That is That.
O It is This
and It is Thus
and It is Them
and it is Us
and it is Now
and here It is
and here We are
so This is It.
– James Broughton
A bunch of nonsense or some profound mystery….choose!
“Carpe diem” as David used to say when in college.

3 thoughts on “A Bit of Whimsy

  1. Len and Judy

    This is great! But if you say this to the doctors before surgery, they’ll think they’ve given you too much of something!

  2. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    And you, Ann, are all that! ;0)
    Blessings on your day…

  3. Regina Roman

    Love it!…..and it says it all because this is it!
    Surrounding you with lots of healing IT!
    Hugs, Regina

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