Not Exactly Humming Along

Entry from Karen this time…
First, thanks to everybody for your kind words of support. I think that there have been plenty of moments when I wonder how I am still functioning and your support must be what is working!
We continue this week without any sense of ‘status quo’.  Each day seems to hold its own unanticipated event or discovery.   Although Mom has this wonderfully strong and resilient spirit, her body has been and is incredibly weak.  Yesterday morning, Mom received the results of her CT scan from last Thursday with a phone call from her pulmonologist. His report is that her pleural effusion has grown significantly; he recommends thorascopic surgery to help her feel more comfortable breathing.   We relayed the news to the oncologist, with whom we had a scheduled appointment a few hours later.  As is to be expected after a round of chemo, her white blood cell count is down so no surgery should be done until it is back on the rise again.  The doctors and thoracic surgeon are now all talking to one another. Tentatively, we will expect her to have the minimally invasive surgery to permanently seal the pleural cavity (so no more fluid build up) the middle to end of next week.  She will be in the hospital for about two days.   Her next round of chemo may or may not continue on her current schedule, depending on how long her recuperation takes.
My biggest concern right now is that we do all that we can to help my Mom keep up her strength and her weight.  It is just so difficult to eat when you don’t have an appetite. Many of you ask what you can do to help her, which is just so much appreciated!  I would say 1) be a loving presence at anytime; 2) be a companion at dinnertime; 3) bring food from cafe or someplace if she isn’t up to getting out; 4) offer to pick up mail; and 5) continue the love from wherever you happen to be because it IS tangible.
Thanks again!  Hugs.
Ann’s two-bits worth here.  How thankful can one be for such a helpful daughter?…. even doing the update for you.  I’m incredibly grateful.
On Monday my cousin Rocky visited from Thurmont. He is the one who helps keep the “Summit House” in PA cared for which is a godsend.  Thanks to iPhone – here we are!  IMG_0791 - Version 2
Thursday my friend Kathy (from childhood days ) will be visiting from her retirement community in MD, thanks to her granddaughter Amanda.  A great gesture to help us get together since Kathy is recuperating from a knee replacement.
Just learned I have a consultation with the surgeon next Tuesday morning – 8:30! Don’t blink! Things happen pretty fast around here!

14 thoughts on “Not Exactly Humming Along

  1. Mary Ann Payne

    Thank you so much, Karen. Just wish I were close enough to bring in some tempting morsels. . .with you both in thought and spirit. Love, Mary Ann

  2. anne

    isn’t it wonderful to see what a great job you did in raising your kids, that now when you need help your precious karen is able to be there for you. she is rising up and calling you blessed, as so many of your spiritual sons and daughters are also doing. and i know david is doing what he can from a distance. you continue to be a blessing!
    since i’ve never visited you in your new home i can’t visualize your current setting, so i’m still seeing you at emmaus church and in your old home with a candle lit. maybe one of these days i can pop up for a tiny visit. in the meantime, sending good healing energy your way.

  3. Billie Sutter

    Continued love and prayers – just let me know when you need Ed or me to help out!
    And thanks to Karen for all her love and support!!!!! Ensure worked for my dad, father-in-law, mother-in-law and brother as they were experiencing lack of appetite….have you tried that or Boost?
    All the best as you, the docs and God continue to figure out what’s next:)

  4. Shubhda Fajfar

    I am so glad that you have each other. Hang in there and hold on tight. xxooxx Shubhda

  5. Tina Essick

    Thanks for the updates. Helps us to relate to what is going on and you are in our prayers. Sending a HUG!!!! and a Kiss!!! Love You. So glad Karen is near. and by your side.

  6. Jeanie Sweeney

    Hi Love,
    Not so easy…sending music notes your way….a little song energy to encircle you: Light, Strength, Knowing, Comfort. xo

  7. Debbie Miller

    I can’t believe so much has happened so fast! Thanks to your wonderful daughter, I feel that you are well cared for. You look great in the picture with Rocky! I’m sorry you need the surgical procedure, but it it helps your comfort level, go for it!
    I wish I could bring you food, or hugs, or something!!!! I can only hold you in my heart and hear your vibrant words of spiritual guidance.
    With much love, Debbie

  8. Leah Rampy

    Ann and Karen,
    It’s so very inspiring to sense the love and care you offer each other. I hope you continue to sense the circles of care, prayer and love that are surrounding you both in this time.
    Much love, Leah

  9. Heather Arbeen

    Dear Ann, David, Karen & family – please know that we are holding you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Sending lots of love,
    Heather, Mark, Jacob, and Sofia

  10. Susan G. Ferry

    Hey Ann…found your blog. Sending you love….
    Thank you for the update and thoughts.

  11. Maureen Jenkins

    Dear Ann,
    You continue in our love and prayers. This part of the journey seems to be “one day at a time” which you are already so good at. I do hope that your energy returns soon.
    Blessings ~
    Maureen Jenkins

  12. Jan Mullinix

    Tnx to Karen for updating us on your Mom’s current status. Prayers are continuing for comfort, strength, hope, healing, and ease in this ongoing process. Since I don’t live in the vicinity, I will be w/her in spirit and love. it’s a miracle that Ann was able to do the women’s retreat at Manidokan, and we are so blessed that she could be w/us, and know how important it was to her as well. Thanx be to God! “Inner peace and love are the greatest of God’s gifts.” ~Tenton Suiox~

  13. Kit Turen

    Ann dear,
    I’m so glad you have the blessing of Karen, other family and your friends. I continue to hold you in my heart and prayers no matter where I am. I’m off to Hudson River Valley; back after Memorial Day. I will be in touch when I return.
    (FYI because I know you are interested in such things: last night for the holiday of Shavuot I led a workshop on using the themes from the Book of Ruth as a springboard for sharing personal stories. Was quite lively.)
    Much love,

  14. Linda Warehime

    Up late tonight which always reminds me of you, dear Ann! But I hope you are tucked away tonight in bed, getting your rest and strength renewed. As I read the comments from so many of your dear friends, it reminds me of how much you are loved from folks all over the place. You have touched so many lives and we are grateful. Miss you. Love and hugs, Linda

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