Things Change

Excellent intro to chemo but subsequent experiences not exactly on the recommended list.  Enjoyed playing a couple games of pickle ball Thursday morning; that was the end of ‘fun.’ Afternoon brought extreme pain in right hip and I was unable to walk to get mail or carryout dinner; good friends helped out. I became a druggie overnight progressing from one pain med to another and accomplished the goal of spending Friday in bed. Canceled my looked-forward-to massage as a result. Not interested in food (almost exactly as predicted: 72 hours).
Karen came on Saturday because I was pretty weak and helpless and took me for my hair appointment. (A MUST, had you seen me).  No sooner did we get home than I had some lower abdominal pain.  Oncologist advised me to go to the Inova Healthplex (shorter wait than hospital) but we were there for 4 hours and ended up with blood work and more scans but no real answer to problem. Perhaps some dehydration. Depressing. Karen ended up spending the night with me and attending to every need. Trying to keep up with my various pain and nausea meds plus tempting me to try certain foods became quite a challenge!
Today, Mothers’ Day, we had a little breakfast and later went to the dining room for their Sunday Mothers’ Day brunch.  Very nice and I tried to eat a reasonable amount. Now I am at Karen’s where we watched “Les Miserables” on their big HD screen this afternoon. We had seen the stage show so this was an interesting comparison. An all-time favorite for us both.

11 thoughts on “Things Change

  1. Nancy Davis

    So sorry you are having to go through this….but so glad for the support you’re getting. You have such wonderful children. I will always remember you, Karen and I having lunch by the fireplace at Twenty Acres. May God’s love surround all of you….Much love from me too…..Nancy

  2. Debbie Miller

    Dear Ann,
    How hard to go from one extreme to the other! I’m so sorry your crash was so hard. Blessings on Karen for being 100% there for you. We are all “there” for you, but she is our voice, arms and touch. I pray that those cancer cells are totally intimidated by this tough chemo invades, and will give up. They picked the wrong subject.
    i pray for good days and peace for you.
    Much love,

  3. Linda Warehime

    Oh, Ann, so sorry to hear this news. Bummer. Thank goodness for Karen being near by for you and at your side at this difficult time. Glad things seem to be a bit better today – Happy Mother’s day to a dear dear friend! Love, Linda

  4. Jayne Shontell

    Sorry to hear that you reacted as you did to the chemo. What a blessing Karen is to you! Holding you, Karen and the rest of the family in prayer. Blessings.

  5. Allison Beasley

    Dearest Ann,
    I’m so very sorry that yesterday was such a dreadful day! I hope and expect that most days will not be so wretched. Your Karen is an angel. Blessings on her and on you, my friend. Love and prayers.

  6. Billie Sutter

    Glad Karen can be there to help out…and that Mother’s Day was much better than yesterday:)
    All God’s blessing my friend!

  7. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    Dear Ann,
    Happy Mother’s Day! I am holding you in prayer.

  8. Kay Kulp

    Dear Aunt Ann,
    We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. So wish there was more I could do….
    We were going through family pictures today and came upon a group from the Kulp cousin reunion several years ago out west (was in Colorado?). Some great pictures of you and Paul. We’re finding some really old treasures, stirring up some really great memories. Love, Kay

  9. anne

    i like your both/and way of viewing life right now. you acknowledge both the @#$% and the grace. may it always be so.
    sending love and good energy your way on this monday morning.

  10. Lynn

    God bless your daughter, Karen, for being there for and with you! It’s more than a difficult time for you, and for Karen, and I continue to hold you both in my prayers.
    You are indeed a remarkable woman and I am humbled by your amazing strength.
    Your friend,
    Lynn O’C

  11. leahrampy

    Sending love, love, love to you and to Karen. Can’t wait to hear how you think the movie compares to the stage show of Les Mis!
    Prayers! Leah

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