A New Way of Life

The beginning of a new path was determined yesterday.  After waiting for the oncologist meeting, and another long wait to see if my biopsy sample contained a match for a DNA mutation, I learned yesterday that I did not test positive, which would have allowed me to take a pill a day.  🙁   So I won’t be getting teenage acne, the major side effect!  It would have been the best way to go and, naturally, I am disappointed as are Karen and David.  It’s hard to take in and yet I’ve been living on the edge of this possibility for weeks.  On the morning of March 22 I  learned that my lung cancer had spread to the spine.  I now had metastatic lung cancer for which there is no cure. That night I wrote in my journal:  “March 22, 2013  Friday.  The day I learned to face dying (underlined). Well, I’ve taught courses on it but have never been punched in the gut with it before.” And I went on to describe where I was when the news came.  Today was the end of waiting for a very hopeful treatment.   It’s a terrible shock, obviously, but I must now move on to the next stage which is chemo.  I see the oncologist, whom I like very much, next Thursday.  Chemo will probably begin the following Monday…. or I may wait till the beginning of May after my responsibilities for the weekend retreat plus  the cathedral presentation on Sound and Silence (Tibetan bowls) are behind me.
Radiation is only given for pain (in metastatic lung cancer to spine, i.e. when my bones shout out!)  I learned that the hip/leg pain in the soft tissues is actually referred pain from the cancer in my femur.  🙁   So far I am managing on a simple Tylenol with lots of stronger backups available should I need them.  I continue to play pickleball and began tennis last Monday.  Although I played poorly after 2-3 years off the court, it was invigorating.  Discovered that my racquet handle cover has deteriorated much like me!
I look forward to connecting with many of you but will postpone responding until all is prepared for the retreat and the cathedral.  I’m sure you understand.  I’ve found it very difficult to stay concentrated these past weeks, easily succumbing to distractions…. a common trait related to my tendency to procrastinate.  🙂  I also confess to finding it easy to fall asleep in any chair, even computer chair (!), a practice I used to observe only at the dining room table after dinner.
Thanks to David I now have a website.  I have LOTS to learn.  I’ll begin to post news as soon as I get the hang of it.   It is: http://annkulp.org/
My theme is the Hummingbird, a favorite bird and totem for me.  More about that once I get started.  If you want to receive an e-mail notice when a posting occurs, there will be a place on the site (right side) where you can subscribe.
Many, many thanks to everyone for the floods of continuing support in the midst of sudden change.  I can’t believe all this has occurred within a mere 8 week period.  Your prayers are coveted.  And for those to whom the word “prayer” conjures up some ritualistic formula and resistance, let me say that I subscribe to the belief that every thought is a prayer. Forget the words!  Think – feel – see in your mind’s eye – image love, peace, all good!  Which language would the Divine choose?!  Funny, isn’t it?  My prayer is that I can continue to live life to the fullest, whatever and however it turns out to be.  Please, I’m not being morbid! It could be ? months or years and who knows what the medical field will come up with, given the proliferation of new drugs? – or some surprise miracle with all the support and prayers I’ve been graced with?   God is good!  The Holy One – think the highest kind of Love and Power you can imagine  –  accompanies me on this journey.  I live in hope and appreciation for so much, despite the blow. I’m sure there will be highs and lows, and very lows; I’m not unrealistic.  But, dear God, please let me finish cleaning out all the boxes and files, plus photos of every sort, plus collection of saved clippings, plus the unsorted bins at the PA house …. You know how many years I’ve talked about doing it!  🙂
In the meantime, you have this website where I’ll try to share some of my favorite resources as well as tidbits from life’s saga.  Feel free to send some to me too!  I love you all!

11 thoughts on “A New Way of Life

  1. anne

    this will be a blessing to be joined at the blog w / a dear friend. i’m looking forward to reading your updates not only on your health journey but your spiritual journey, your family journey . . . and even tennis and pickleball (whatever that is???).

  2. jeanie

    ok Ann, I’m trying out the system. ….
    … Peace and focus for your preparations for your work which I know you love doing — sound those bells for the resounding tone to enter each participant! I am joining the great Loving through you on behalf of those you are with in your retreat and at the Cathedral. YES, YES,LIVE FULLY in the midst of this. yay Ann.

  3. Len and Judy

    When the hummingbirds arrive, we know that spring has really come. With the peculiar weather we’ve been having of late, we’re not quite sure what season we’re in now. We hope that the maple sap has flowed well enough; but we’re not sure. But one thing we will be sure of is that every time your hummingbird appears we’ll have a most welcome presence.
    Len and Judy

  4. Stan Walgreen

    just to say Donna and I are keeping you in our prayers. Donna says get to work on those old boxes to sort you might find a certain necktie!!!
    Stan and Donna

  5. Phil

    Hi Ann,
    I have a car full of people coming to see your bowls at the end of the month…
    Cathedral Crossroads: Voices from the Center: The Spirituality of Sound and Silence
    An evening of contemplative practice on the last Tuesday of each month; free and open to the public. General offerings 6 pm to 8:45 pm; special program 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Free and open to the public.
    Voices from the Center: The Spirituality of Sound and Silence
    led by Ann Kulp
    Blessings and love, Phil

  6. Therese Taylor-Stinson

    Thank you so much, Ann, for the invitation to share this journey with you. My dear uncle told me in his dying from esophageal cancer that every breath was a prayer. What an affirmation for me–one who resists set rituals! Long before his dying, he shared with me once that he never worried about praying for the people he loved because he simply carried them in his heart where God abides.
    Ann, I carry you in my heart and in my thoughts, and I send to you loving, healing, and life-giving energy. The kind of which we are made and never dies.
    In peace and love my dear friend,

  7. Jan Mullinix

    Praying for you to have much comfort, energy, and strength in body, mind, and spirit each and every day… “Wait for the Lord,; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” ~Psalms 27:14 (((Hugs))), Jan

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